D.R. Congo government and humanitarian actors launch plan to assist 6 million people in complex humanitarian crisis


(Kinshasa, 2 February 2016): The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its humanitarian partners today appealed for USD 690 million aimed at providing life-saving aid to some 7.5 million people, the vast majority of which live in eastern DRC where access to health services, food and water is very limited.

The 2016 Humanitarian Action Plan for the DRC is a strategic document that will guide the work of the authorities, United Nations humanitarian agencies and NGOs in addressing the most pressing needs of millions of people whose lives have been affected by years of conflict and insecurity. While potable water, sanitation, food and access to basic medical services are vital, equally important are protecting civilians and ensuring that children go to school. While 7.5 million are in need of assistance, aid agencies will target 6 million, representing those most vulnerable. Women represent 52% of all those targeted by the appeal.

“I am calling on the continued solidarity of the international community. In numerous parts of the country, notably those affected by conflict, humanitarian aid is the only lifeline to accessing basic services, and without this critical assistance, the lives of thousands of people will be at risk”, the Humanitarian Coordinator in DRC, Dr. Mamadou Diallo, said in a speech during the launching ceremony in Kinshasa which was attended by donors and national and international NGOs.

“Every dollar spent has positive impact and save lives”, Rein Paulsen, the head of OCHA in DRC, added.

While humanitarian actors identified needs throughout the country’s 26 provinces, North Kivu, South Kivu and Tanganyika account for close to 2.5 million people, representing 33% of those in need. In comparison to 2015, this year’s budget, while slightly smaller, aims at providing assistance to more people in need. Among other things, OCHA, which spearheads the appeal process, will ensure that all actors on improving the living conditions of those in need of aid, reduce mortality rates due to diseases, and ensure the entire humanitarian community achieves the highest quality of aid delivery based on the newly developed standards known as the Core Humanitarian Standards.

For further information, please contact:
Yvon Edoumou, Public Information Officer, edoumou@un.org, Tel. +243817061213/+243970003750

OCHA press releases are available at www.unocha.org or www.reliefweb.int.