DR Congo : OCHA condemns in the strongest possible terms the Mbayo hospital attack


(Kinshasa, 11 February 2017) : On 9 February 2017, after intercommunity clashes erupted in Mbayo (Manono Territory, Tanganyika Province), militiamen entered the General Referral Hospital in Kiambi (130 km North of Manono) and killed one patient and his wife. They also assaulted a medical staff. OCHA condemns this heinous and cowardly attack in the strongest possible terms and expresses its dismay. OCHA also recalls the neutral and impartial nature of health structures and medical staff that must be protected at all times. Failure to comply with this basic norm would deprive thousands of people from medical assistance that is often vital.

OCHA calls upon the parties to the conflict to unconditionally respect Common Article 3 of the four Geneva Conventions. The latter notably prohibits the killing and bodily injuring of persons who are not directly participating in hostilities, including those who have laid down their arms.