DR Congo: Thousands of civilians without humanitarian assistance used as human shields in Ituri

(Kinshasa, 2 March 2006): Fighting between the Congolese national army (Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo or FARDC) and militiamen of the Congo Resistance Movement (MRC) continues in the areas around Tchei, some 90 kilometres south of Bunia in Congo's northeast. More than 8,000 people, mostly women and children, are being held hostage by militiamen, who are using them as human shields. These people are living in the bush with no shelter or food. Information regarding their condition is scarce and humanitarian workers cannot access the zone at present.
Between 8,000 and 10,000 people were living in the environs of Tchei prior to the launch of military operations by the FARDC supported by the UN mission peacekeepers last February 27th meant to flush out MRC militias. Civilians were forced to stay in their villages by the MRC militia despite calls by the national army to evacuate the premises.

Only 1,081 civilians fled their villages using a secure corridor to seek refuge in Aveba where FARDC and UN peacekeepers are stationed. Some fifty houses were set ablaze by militiamen in the area. The newly displaced persons are swelling the ranks of the previously displaced 4,000 people who had fled a militia attack on Tchei at the end of January 2006. Ongoing fighting will delay access and humanitarian assistance to this population.

Given the prevailing security situation in the Tchei region, humanitarians have expressed their concern for the condition of thousands of people held hostage by militiamen and who cannot be reached by aid workers. The humanitarian community has taken the necessary steps to assist all of the internally displaced persons with food, non-food, health care and clean water.

For more information, please contact:

Michel Bonnardeaux, Public Information, OCHA, RD Congo
tél: (+243) 0819889151