DRC: USG Egeland lauds improved security in Baraka

(New York: 14 November 2003): Today, the Under Secretary General for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Jan Egeland, left Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo for the town of Baraka in South Kivu, where a huge crowd had assembled at the airport to greet his arrival. Just three to four months ago, Baraka and its environs were very insecure due to regular fighting between foreign-armed groups and Congolese. Two months ago, a humanitarian aid worker from the non-governmental organization Tearfund was killed outside of the town while working on a water project, along with ten Congolese laborers.
The security situation has now improved significantly.

The Under Secretary General visited Mutambala Bridge, the former front line between fighters from RCD Goma and Mayi Mayi militia groups. At the bridge, he attended a meeting between the two sides. Both promised full freedom of movement for the local civilian population and expressed their pleasure at the reconciliation that has occurred. Mr. Egeland pledged to increase support for the area now that the security situation has improved.

He also met with NGO representatives who are currently providing assistance in health, nutrition, water and sanitation in the town. The Under Secretary General commended their work, some of which has been carried out under difficult circumstances. He also met with local authorities and local people, who expressed satisfaction with the additional assistance they have been receiving from the international community due to the improvement in the security situation.

The visit to Baraka is part of the Under secretary General's broader goals of furthering humanitarian access and increasing humanitarian presence in previously difficult to reach areas in the Great Lakes region.

After Baraka, Mr. Egeland moved on to Goma, a town of 400,000, where he will meet with local authorities and UN and NGO representatives this afternoon.

Tomorrow morning, the Under Secretary General will travel to Bunia, in the Democratic Republic of Congo's Ituri district.

Over three million people remain internally displaced in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

For further information, please call: Stephanie Bunker, OCHA NY, 917 367 5126, mobile 917 892 1679; Elisabeth Byrs, OCHA Geneva, 41 22 917 26 53. mobile 41 (O) 79 473 45 70.