UN allocates US$100 million to boost poorly funded humanitarian crises


(Geneva/New York, 20 February 2024) Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths today released US$100 million from the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to support underfunded humanitarian emergencies in seven countries in Africa, the Americas and the Middle East. The crises in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Sudan and Syria top the list, receiving $20 million each.

The new allocation is among the smallest in recent years for the world’s least-financed crises. This reflects the reduced funding that CERF received in 2023, its lowest since 2018, and the dire reality that donor funding is failing to keep up with soaring humanitarian needs.

In 2023, to support 250 million people affected by conflicts, natural disasters, diseases and other crises, global funding requirements surged to $56.7 billion – a record high. But less than 40 per cent of that funding was received, leaving the most vulnerable people to bear the brunt.

“The new emergency infusion of funds will help sustain life-saving humanitarian support to people facing the world’s worst crises. It is a reminder of CERF’s crucial role at a time of immense needs and chronic underfunding of humanitarian appeals,” said Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths. “Yet with donations at their lowest level in recent years, CERF's life-saving impact is itself facing a serious challenge. It’s now more critical than ever that Member States provide full and timely funding to CERF.”

With humanitarian needs expected to continue to soar in 2024, this latest CERF allocation is critical to scale up assistance for and spur further donor support for some of the world’s most protracted and neglected crises. The new funding will also bolster partnerships with local organizations and enhance accountability.

The funds will address large-scale displacement caused by the ongoing conflict in Sudan ($20 million), while in DRC ($20 million) they will help people affected by continued fighting in the east. In Syria ($20 million), the resources will help people affected by fighting, and the funding in Chad ($15 million) will support refugees and others. Funding will also go to Niger ($10 million), Lebanon ($9 million) and Honduras ($6 million).

CERF releases resources for underfunded emergencies twice a year. The previous allocation took place in September 2023, with $125 million earmarked for underfunded humanitarian operations in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Haiti, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, the occupied Palestinian territory, Uganda, Venezuela and Yemen.

Note to the Editor

CERF is one of the fastest funding instruments available to help people affected by crises. Managed by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs on behalf of the UN Secretary-General, CERF enables timely, effective and life-saving humanitarian action by UN agencies and others to kick-start or reinforce emergency response anywhere it is required. Funding decisions for underfunded emergencies are based on detailed analysis of more than 90 humanitarian indicators and wide consultation with partners.

Since its creation by the UN General Assembly in 2005, and with generous contributions from 130 Member States and observers, as well as other donors including private individuals, CERF has assisted hundreds of millions of people with around $8.9 billion across more than 110 countries and territories. This includes almost $3 billion to underfunded crises. CERF has an annual funding target of $1 billion.

For further information, please contact:

In New York, Eri Kaneko, kaneko@un.org, +1 917 208 8910