UN Emergency Relief Coordinator to travel to Democratic Republic of the Congo

(New York: 5 February 2009): John Holmes, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, is scheduled to arrive on Friday 6 February 2009 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), at the start of a four-day mission to the country.

Mr. Holmes last visited the DRC in September 2007. During this second mission, he will be focusing on urgent humanitarian and protection concerns. He will advocate for an end to impunity for violence against civilians and sexual violence against women.

During his visit, Mr. Holmes will travel to the eastern provinces of North Kivu and Province Orientale, to assess ongoing response and coordination issues in and around Goma, Kibati, Masisi, Bunia, and Doruma. He will meet with internally displaced persons, host families, and local authorities on humanitarian issues and concerns. On 10 February in Kinshasa, Mr. Holmes will meet senior government representatives, including President Kabila, to discuss humanitarian response, access and protection issues. The mission will allow for discussions with government authorities, the humanitarian and diplomatic communities, donors, and the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC), on the main challenges faced by humanitarian operations in response to the crises, and on ways to further improve this response. He is scheduled to leave the DRC on 10 February.

At present, several press events are scheduled during the mission, including in Kibati (7 February), Masisi and Goma (8 February), Doruma (9 February) and a final press conference in Kinshasa (10 February).

For a complete list of opportunities in specific locations, please contact:

Christophe Illemassene, OCHA-DRC +243 81 98 89 195, Illemassene.un.org

Ivo Brandau, OCHA-DRC +243 81 51 42 956, brandau@un.org

Elizabeth Byrs, OCHA-Geneva +41 22 917 26 53 (office) +41 (0) 79 473 45 70, byrs@un.org

Stephanie Bunker, OCHA-New York +1 917 367 5126 (office) +1 917 892 1679 (mobile), bunker@un.org

Nicholas Reader, OCHA-New York +1 212 953 0091 (office) +1 646 752 3117 (mobile), reader@un.org