Update on the Ebola virus disease in DRC, No. 3, 28 August 2014



  • Between 28 July and 27 August 2014, a total of 42 cases have been identified in the Area, including 13 deaths (mortality rate: 31%).

  • 13 people died from the disease (31% mortality rate), including 5 health professionals. 11 people have been put in isolation.

  • 147 contacts identified for follow-up.

  • 6 positive samples out of 8 after a second analysis carried out at the INRB in Kinshasa and at the CIRMF of France Ville in Gabon.

  • Other samples taken in Boende on 27 August being sent to Kinshasa.

  • Index case identified in Ikanamongo (100 km from Boende): a woman died on 11 August after handling and eating bush meat hunted by her husband that contaminated both her husband and her doctor.

  • Rumours on suspected cases in other provinces have not been confirmed.


  • Establishment and holding of regular meetings of the National Committee on Coordination (CNC).

  • Existence of seven thematic commissions at national and local levels to ensure the coordination of humanitarian action; Six of these commissions meet on a daily basis: Epidemiologic Surveillance; Communication; Laboratory and Research; Support for the Sick; Water, Hygiene and Sanitation; and Logistics.

  • Establishment of a UN Ebola Task Force and holding of its first meeting on 26 August 2014.

  • Recommendation: participation of UN entities and clusters to technical commissions, in line with their expertise, notably with regard to Logistics, Food Security and WASH.

Security and logistics

  • Availability of UNHAS and ASF-F aircraft:

UNHAS: One 37-seats, cargo 2,7 MT aircraft aircraft; one helicopter available in Goma and possibility to have an additional helicopter from South Africa, in case of need. ASF-F: one/two 9-seats 1,2 MT cargo aircraft.

  • Drafting of protocols for the regulation of travel in the quarantined area, on the basis of protocols currently used in West Africa by UNHAS. These protocols will be shared with other aviation companies for their consideration.

  • Announcement by the Government of the provision of a daily cargo to send material.



  • A second team of experts has travelled to the field on 27 August 2014, in view of the establishment of the International Committee on Technical Coordination (CICTS) in Lokolia, epicentre of the disease. This Committee will comprise experts from the Ministry of Health and WHO.


  • Strengthening of field teams with technical staff and additional inputs.


  • Process to request CERF ($2 million) and CHF ($1.5 million) funds under way.


  • Need to strengthen the technical field team with an anthropologist