Update on the Ebola virus disease in DRC, No. 4, 29 August 2014



  • Out of a total of 42 cases identified in the Boende health zone, 13 cases have been confirmed, including 7 on 28 August. A total of 15 samples have been analysed in Kinshasa (INRB) and France Ville/Gabon (CIRMF).

  • Amongst the 7 new confirmed cases, 4 are located in Lokolia, 2 in Boende Moke and 1 at the Boende General Reference Hospital (HGR).

  • 16 suspected cases and 13 probable cases are being followed up by the field teams.

  • 11 cases remain in isolation and there have been no additional deaths besides the 13 deaths announced to date.

  • 168 cases of contact among people have been identified and are being followed up by the field teams.


  • Finalisation of the national response plan.

  • Holding of daily meetings of the National Committee on Coordination (CNC) at the office of the Minister of Health.

Security and logistics

  • Announcement by the Government of the provision of a cargo flight on Sunday, 30 August 2014.