Update on the Ebola virus disease in DRC, No. 5, 30 August 2014



  • The total number of cases identified in the Boende health zone as of 29 August 2014 is 53, including 13 confirmed cases.

  • Among the remaining 40 cases, 21 are probable and 12 are suspected cases and are being followed up by the field teams.

  • The number of deaths remains 13, no additional death recorded.

  • Analysis conducted on all samples from Boende which had been sent to Germany reveals the ZAIRE strain, 99% homologous to KIKWIT.

  • The cities of Boende, Monkoto (Equateur) and Lomela (northern Eastern Kasaï) are currently considered to be at risk. One of the patients hospitalised at the HGR Boende had managed to escape before being recovered by the services deployed to the field.


  • Publication of guidelines for travellers to foreign countries from DRC border posts by the National Programme on Hygiene at the Borders (NPHB).

  • Holding of daily meetings of the National Committee on Coordination (CNC) at the office of the Minister of Health.

Security and logistics

  • Announcement by the Government of the provision of a cargo flight today, 30 August 2014.