Update on the Ebola virus disease in DRC, No.10, 12 September 2014


Coordination/ Keys developments

  • *The number of suspected cases has fallen, as some have been laboratory confirmed.

  • **12 alerts including one with death in Kokolo military camp in Kinshasa, a second reported in Kambove in Katanga and 10 cases of which 8 deaths reported in Bongandanga, Equateur Provincer. Five samples from Bongandanga and from Nyakunde in Ituri (Orientale Province) are being analyzed.

  • Between 2 and 10 September, 35 cases of EVD have been reported in the area of Djera in Equateur Province in DRC, increasing the cumulative number of cases to 66 (see the above table for details).

  • Two additional treatment centers are operational since 9 September with the capacity of 50 beds

  • Some local/provincial committees of the CNC (Ebola response coordination) are not operating optimally like Kinshasa; some coordination tools for the smooth functioning of these structures at local / provincial level are still unavailable

  • Epidemic Control Commission (ECC) has submitted a health roadmap on the management and prevention of the Ebola Virus Disease to the DRC Minister of Health as per recommendations of the latest meeting of SADEC Ministers of Public Health held in Zimbabwe.

  • Two hotline numbers have been set up to allow the population to get information on the disease and ongoing efforts: 081 08 000 20 and 099 99 710 05. An additional hotline for information on the prevention of the EVD is available using Tigo: 119.

  • The contingency plan for Kinshasa has been finalized, but actions for its full activation are yet to be taken.