Update on the Ebola virus disease in DRC, No.12, 21 September 2014 [EN/FR]


Coordination/ Keys developments

  • *Four suspected cases were negative after laboratory tests on two different samples and therefore discharged and declared "non-case", bringing down to 68 the total number of cases on 18 September (see table above for details ) of which 41 deaths; an overall lethality rate of slightly over 60%.

  • **8 health personnel have died of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) since the outbreak of the epidemic.

  • The centrifuge of the mobile laboratory in Lokolia has broken-down, making it impossible to carry out on-site laboratory tests in Lokolia. A centrifuge parts is expected from the National Institute of Biomedical Research (INRB) in Kinshasa

  • INRB is facing the shortage of reagents and inputs for both its laboratory in Kinshasa and the mobile laboratory in Lokolia. A request for reagents and laboratory inputs has been made to the DRC Ministry of Health for an urgent solution.

  • The death rate of animals and poultry continues to be very high in the area affected by the EVD, requiring thorough veterinary investigations

  • According to the National Coordination Committee (NCC), the overall analysis of the epidemiological situation suggests that Ebola outbreak declared on August 24 in the area of Djera is under control.

  • The Food Security Cluster and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Humanitarian Action and National Solidarity will distribute over 1,000 tons of food, including 4.9 tons to members of the response team, the indoors patients and to the family members of people affected by the EVD. This distribution is facing important logistical constraints related to poor road conditions in the area of Djera.

  • Two hotline numbers have been set up to allow the population to get information on the disease and ongoing efforts: 081 08 000 20 and 099 99 710 05. An additional hotline for information on the prevention of the EVD is available using Tigo: 119.