Guide to Humanitarian Giving: The Libya Crisis


Political protests have led to violence in Libya, where fighting continues between pro and anti-government forces. So far, the clearest humanitarian needs stem from the outflow of people fleeing the conflict, most of whom are migrant workers. As of 8 March, more than 226,000 people had crossed Libya's borders, mostly to Tunisia, Egypt and Niger. That number could increase. Information about the humanitarian situation inside Libya remains limited due to restrictions on communications, and due to the evacuation of international staff.

Efforts by humanitarian agencies so far have been focused on the border areas. On 7 March, the Regional Flash Appeal for the Libyan Crisis was launched by the United Nations, the International Organization for Migration and humanitarian partner agencies. The appeal calls for the international donor community to provide US$160 million for the initial response to this crisis.

Your support is crucial in assisting crisis-affected and vulnerable people!

How Can You Help?

We urge donors to make cash contributions rather than in-kind donations. With a cash donation to an organization that is included in the Flash Appeal you will support the joint efforts of major humanitarian actors to provide the most effective response, avoiding duplication, assisting priority needs of the affected population and ensuring complementarity of relief efforts.