Returning from drought-hit Eritrea Emergency Relief Coordinator calls for urgent assistance

AFR/494, IHA/745
ASMARA, 10 October - Kenzo Oshima, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, wrapped up his three-day mission to Eritrea today. He had visited Eritrea at the request of the Secretary-General to observe first-hand the severe drought affecting the country and to report back.

In Eritrea, Mr. Oshima discussed the humanitarian situation and the response needed with President Isaias Afewerki, government officials, United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations, and donor representatives. He also visited the drought-stricken areas of Gash Barka and Debub. "What we saw in Gash Barka and Debub Provinces left no doubt that the humanitarian situation in Eritrea is dire and requires urgent assistance from the international community. The response must be broad enough to address the underlying factors that have made Eritrea so vulnerable to drought", Mr. Oshima said.

Mr. Oshima witnessed near-total crop failure in Barentu, an area that traditionally produces 80 per cent of the country's sorghum. Near Tsorona, a town trying hard to rebuild after being razed two years ago, Mr. Oshima visited camps for internally displaced persons unable to return home because their land has been mined or their homes destroyed. "Right now, Eritreans need to commit many of their resources to coping with the residual effects of war, but can't because of the drought. It makes my heart heavy to think what will happen a few months down the road if the international community does not respond quickly", Mr. Oshima said.

He underscored that, in responding to the crisis, food aid must be complemented by equally important programmes for water and sanitation, health and care of livestock. In addition to helping with urgent needs, Mr. Oshima urged the Government and the international community to tackle issues such as post-war reconstruction, safe return of refugees and internally displaced persons, landmines, and poverty. "If issues like these are not addressed, we may well find ourselves with a similar emergency on our hands in a few years", Mr. Oshima warned.

In November, the United Nations system will launch the Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Eritrea, which will detail the number of Eritreans in need in 2003 and the plan for helping them.

For further information, please contact: Isabella Dougan, UN-OCHA, Asmara, Eritrea, tel. (291 1) 151 666; fax (291 1) 151 999