Special envoy urges continued assistance for Eritrea

Asmara, 13 November 2003(OCHA) - In a clear message to the international community, UN Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Mr. Martti Ahtisaari confirmed that Eritrea's humanitarian situation would continue to be serious in 2004.
Emphasizing the need to work in partnership with the Government of Eritrea, the Special Envoy said the country had little chance of success if the international community is not with them. His comments came during a press conference Wednesday evening before departing Eritrea after a four-day visit here.

"Thanks to donors a major disaster has been avoided," said Mr. Ahtisaari, as a result of the response by the international community. He also praised the efforts of the government of Eritrea, who he said despite its meagre resources was progressing in the areas of water, education and health. "The situation hasn't dramatically changed," the Special Envoy said referring to his last visit to Eritrea in July. However, he noted that 2/3 population were living below the poverty line and it was a sign that the situation has been deteriorating.

During his visit to Eritrea, Mr. Ahtisaari met and discussed the humanitarian situation with President Isaias Afwerki, representatives of government, donors, UN agencies, and NGOs.

He also visited drought and war affected Omhager in the Gash Barka region where he witnessed the rehabilitation and reconstruction of buildings destroyed during the war in 1998-2000. Villagers there revealed the difficulties they were facing as a result of the war and ongoing border dispute. While reiterating that the border dispute was outside of his mandate, Mr. Ahtisaari assured them that he was listening and would carry their message to the UN Secretary General. He also said that he was aware of the need to resolve the dispute as it poses a restraint on development.

An estimated 1.7 million Eritreans will require humanitarian assistance in 2004 as a result of war, poverty and continuing drought. Coping mechanisms of the affected population are severely strained with deteriorating nutritional status among children under 5, lactating and pregnant women, prevalent in the country.

For further information, please contact:

UN-OCHA, Asmara, Eritrea, Tel: (291 1) 151 666; fax (291 1) 151 999