UN Special Envoy for Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa visits Eritrea

Asmara, Wednesday 13 October 2004 - The Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa, Mr. Martti Ahtisaari arrives today in Asmara, Eritrea, where he is due to hold meetings with President Isaias Afwerki, senior Government officials, the UN Country Team, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and donor country representatives to review the humanitarian situation in the country.
High on his agenda will be the efforts to raise international awareness of the humanitarian crisis in Eritrea and ongoing measures to address the food security situation. He will also discuss strategies for ensuring that the response to urgent humanitarian needs is effective, timely and efficient.

Since his appointment as Special Envoy in June 2003, Mr. Ahtisaari has highlighted the challenges facing Eritrea and the region. The Special Envoy has also continued to promote the rehabilitation and recovery of the Eritrean people affected by recurring humanitarian challenges, providing recommendations on how the current humanitarian efforts could be integrated into a wider assistance strategy for recovery and development in the country.

In 2004, the number of people in need of emergency relief assistance has been estimated at 1.9 million. The overall donor response recorded against the Consolidated Appeal for 2004 is currently 43%. The overall pledge rate against non-food projects (38%) remains lower than that of food-related interventions (46%).

The combined efforts of the food aid agencies in Eritrea are currently addressing the relief food needs of nearly 1.3 million people; leaving 0.6 million people - especially those in urban centres - whose food needs are not catered for. According to WFP, current available stocks plus anticipated arrivals should enable it to meet the needs of the 900,000 rural Eritreans it is currently targeting up to March 2005.

The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) has just reported that inadequate rainfall in September could result in a "total failure" of long-cycle crops and a below-average harvest of short-cycle crops in Eritrea. The report also stated that pasture availability was unsatisfactory in most parts of the country, due to inadequate and irregular rain in July and August.

Malnutrition rates have risen this year, with the prevalence of global acute malnutrition rates as high as 19.1%, 18.4% and 13.9% in Anseba, Gash Barka, and Northern Red sea zones, respectively, as revealed by the Ministry of Health's Nutritional Surveillance System. Food prices have been very high over the past few months affecting both urban and rural poor households. Most of the country is in dire need of drinking water and tens of thousands of people require immediate support through accelerated water trucking. The Government has recently committed itself to return and resettle some 30,000 IDPs and expellees, but funds are needed for such efforts.

This will be the Special Envoy's fourth mission to Eritrea and the region in less than two years.

Mr. Ahtisaari and his party will depart Asmara for Addis Ababa on Saturday 16 October 2004.

For further information, please contact:

UN-OCHA Asmara, Eritrea, Tel.: (291-1) 151666, Fax: 291 -1 151999