United Nations Launches Consolidated Inter-Agency Flash Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance to Eritrea

Press Release - IHA/663
Issues Report on War-Displaced in Ethiopia

GENEVA, 7 September (UN Information Service) -- The United Nations today appealed for $8.9 million to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of some 275,000 people in Eritrea affected by the conflict between that country and Ethiopia.

The consolidated inter-agency flash appeal covers the period from September 1998 to February 1999. It is based on the findings of a series of inter-agency assessment missions and supports a United Nations common humanitarian action plan.

The sudden onset of conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia has resulted in the internal displacement of border populations in Eritrea, as well as the obliged return of people of Eritrean origin from Ethiopia. Among the displaced, mainly rural subsistence farmers, herdsmen and a smaller number of urban dwellers, some were totally evacuated with no holdings, while others were able to take some of their belongings. Many have been received by surrounding communities while others are living in tents provided by the Eritrean Relief and Refugee Commission in selected settlement areas. Some are without shelter.

The Government of Eritrea has requested international assistance for the affected populations and their host communities for support in the areas of food, health care, shelter and household items, water and sanitation, child protection, and family reunification of returnees. The United Nations system initially responded to this request by diverting regular resources to provide for the most urgent health and other needs; however, these resources are not sufficient to meet current requirements.

The emergency plan includes support for strengthening the capacity of the Eritrean Government to plan, manage, monitor and evaluate humanitarian relief activities. A sentinel-system surveillance will be developed for accurate and regular monitoring of the emergency situation and the conditions of the affected populations. The appeal, while focusing on immediate life-sustaining needs, is also linked to activities that assist the beneficiaries in producing their own food and increasing their self-reliance to minimise the need for longer-term assistance.

The United Nations has also released a report prepared by its country team in Ethiopia on the response to the needs of the war-displaced in the Tigray and Afar regions in that country. In June, the Government of Ethiopia issued an appeal for non-food assistance for 145,000 displaced people and for food and nutritional assistance for 300,000 persons. The report indicates those inputs from the United Nations system that can be funded from existing resources, as well as those that may require additional resources from the donor community.