Visit of the Special Envoy, Mr. Martti Ahtisaari to Eritrea

Asmara, Thursday, 6 November 2003 - Mr. Martti Ahtisaari, the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for the Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa arrives in Asmara, Eritrea on 9 November 2003.
The Special Envoy's visit is a follow up mission to his earlier one in July. The main focus will be on progress made within the humanitarian sector and discussions on recovery and food security strategies that can reduce the region's vulnerability to drought. In addition, the Special Envoy will take part in raising the profile of the CAP (Consolidated Appeal Process) and IRP (Integrated Recovery Programme) for 2004.

The Special Envoy's three-day visit to Eritrea will include a field trip to Omhajer town, in Gash Barka region. There, he will witness emergency and post war interventions. Mr. Ahtisaari will hold a press conference on Wednesday, 12 November before his departure from Eritrea.

Since his appointment as Special Envoy for the Humanitarian Crisis in the Horn of Africa with specific reference to Eritrea and Ethiopia, by UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan in June 2003, Mr. Ahtisaari has highlighted the challenges facing Eritrea and the region. On his first mission to Eritrea, he held discussions with UN agencies, donors, the Government, NGOs and other partners. He has contributed significantly to raising awareness of the situation among the international community resulting in an improved response from the donors.

Mr. Ahtisaari served as Special Representative of the Secretary General for Namibia and led the UN operation in Namibia from 1989 - 1990. He served as President of the Republic of Finland from 1994 - 2000. His most recent appointment was chairing the Independent Panel on the Safety and Security of UN Personnel in Iraq.

Mr. Ahtisaari will be accompanied by his Adviser Mr. Antti Pentikäinen; Mr. Eric Laroche, Deputy Director UNICEF Emergencies Division, Geneva, Mr Tahir Nour, reporting Officer WFP, Rome and Mr. Markus Werne, Humanitarian Affairs Officer OCHA, New York.

For further information, please contact:

UN-OCHA Asmara, Eritrea, Tel.: (291-1) 151666, Fax: 291 -1 151999