CERF has allocated $14.6 million in Ethiopia

14 July 2010: The CERF has allocated $14.6 million to provide urgent life-saving assistance to more than 475,000 people affected by severe drought in southern Ethiopia. Successive seasons of failed rainfall have led to severe drought and widespread crop failure throughout the region and more than three million people are estimated to be in need of urgent assistance in Ethiopia. A dramatic increase in the numbers of children in particular suffering severe malnutrition has been reported.

More than $9.6 million has been allocated to the World Food Programme (WFP) to provide emergency food supplies for a period of at least two months. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has received $4.5 million, enabling it to provide emergency nutritional supplements and medicines for more than 54,000 severely malnourished children. Nearly $600,000 has been made available to the World Health Organization (WHO) to launch a programme combining monitoring and treatment of severe malnutrition and measles among the most vulnerable drought-affected children.

Updated on 20 July 2011