Ethiopia: Conflict Displacement Situation Report #2 (8 February 2018)


Displacements Overview

I. Updates

Round 8 of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), a joint displacement data collection exercise by IOM and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), was conducted between 3 November and 8 December 2017. The teams collected displacement data at the zonal, woreda/district and site level. Data collected at the zones informed the targeting of key woredas, while data collected at the woreda level informed the targeting of key displacement hotspots. DTM Round 8 piloted the use of mobile data collection tools to streamline and accelerate data collection/entry/cleaning processes. Regional and sub-regional findings were reviewed and endorsed by Government authorities at woreda, zonal and regional levels. Following a national review by the NDRMC, DTM Round 8 data and analysis was officially endorsed on 31 January 2018.

Since mid-December 2017, new displacements were reported in Oromia region. In West Hararge zone, local authorities reported around 44,000 new IDPs (Oromos and Somalis), displaced by localized clashes in Hawi Gudina and Daro Lebu woredas. IDPs are dispersed in around 20 different locations in these two woredas. Some of the new Somali IDPs have reportedly started moving out of Oromia and reached existing IDP sites in Dire Dawa and Qoloji. Similarly, ethnic Somalis are reported to currently be moving out of Negele town in Guji zone and its surroundings, having sold their assets and livestock. Displacements from this area are low-key and were not provoked by specific incidents. Around 400 Somali families have reportedly moved from Negele area to Hudet woreda in January 2018 and some others to other parts of Somali region.

In late January, new access between Liban and Dawa zones was provided through the finalization of construction of the Gaaluun bridge. Movement of humanitarian supplies has begun – UNICEF and WFP in Jijiga have already transported relief food and ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) supplies via the bridge. The physical structure of the bridge, however, can only allow trucks with a carrying capacity of up to 40 metric tonnes. The bridge is still a major improvement allowing for access and movement of humanitarian supplies to Dawa zone, which has been a challenge over the past few months, while also reducing transport time.

On 28 January, the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) and Under-Secretary-General (USG) for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock announced that US$10 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) would be allocated to complement ongoing Government efforts to help the most vulnerable people displaced due to conflict along the border of the two regions. The announcement was made following the ERC’s three-day mission to Ethiopia where he visited conflict and climate induced IDP sites and collection centers as well as two planned re-settlement sites/ areas for IDPs. The CERF allocation will fund life-saving interventions for IDPs and where feasible, will include activities that also contribute to long-term solutions for displaced people to reestablish their lives. The CERF funds will support emergency shelter, non-food items, and clean water and sanitation services for the IDPs and hosting communities. In the last two years, CERF allocated $49 million to aid operations in Ethiopia.