Ethiopia High-level Pledging Event: Joint Communiqué by the Co-Hosts (16 April 2024)


16 April 2024, Palais des Nations, Geneva

1. The High-level Pledging Event convened on 16 April 2024, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, was co-hosted by the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (hereafter, the Government of Ethiopia), the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The conference addressed the pressing humanitarian situation unfolding in Ethiopia, characterized by a convergence of climate-related disasters, conflict, and other challenges.

2. Despite continuing investments by the Government of Ethiopia, in close cooperation with international partners to build the resilience of vulnerable communities and implement long-term development programs, the country continues to face recurrent humanitarian challenges.

3. El Nino-induced drought has exacerbated humanitarian needs, particularly in the northern highlands, affecting millions of people and their livestock. Communities are grappling with reduced water availability, drier pastures, and decreased agricultural yields. Forecasts indicate a worsening scenario, with the number of critically food insecure individuals projected to peak at 10.8 million between July and September. Malnutrition rates in several regions have significantly increased, surpassing critical thresholds, with children under the age of five, the elderly, the sick, pregnant, and lactating women bearing the brunt. This is leading to stunted growth, and extremely low school attendance and performance.

4. Those in need include 4.5 million internally displaced persons and 10.5 million women and girls, whose needs will be given specific attention and who are also recognized as important drivers of change.

5. The Government of Ethiopia recently endorsed a new National Policy and Strategy on Disaster Risk Management in recognition of the country’s vulnerability to different climatic and conflict-driven shocks. The aims of the new policy and strategy include enhancing partnership and engagement with bilateral and multilateral partners, along with the mobilization of domestic human and financial capacities, to strengthen efforts towards addressing these recurrent humanitarian challenges.

6. The United Nations and humanitarian partners are working with the Government of Ethiopia to deliver life-saving assistance to about 15 million people, with more than 67 per cent being women, girls and persons living with disabilities, and food aid to 10 million. Funding requirements are at US$3.2 billion, currently funded at 5 per cent. Of the outstanding 95 per cent of the required funding, US$1 billion is needed to address critical needs of the most vulnerable over the next three months and secure aid pipelines.

7. During the conference, participating Member States pledged more than $600 million to support the humanitarian situation in Ethiopia. The Federal Government of Ethiopia also has committed $250 million for food support over coming months that is in addition to the requirements identified in the March prioritization plan; further domestic resources have been dedicated to emergency response from regional governments and the Ethiopian private sector.

8. The following commitments were made:

a) All parties reaffirmed their commitment to upholding the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence in providing humanitarian assistance, ensuring that aid reaches those most in need without discrimination. They also committed to keeping up the momentum of the reforms introduced to improve accountability and mitigate the risk of aid diversion, ensuring assistance reaches the most vulnerable on the basis of need.

b) All parties agreed to enhance coordination and collaboration among government agencies, humanitarian organizations, civil society actors, and international donors to ensure a coherent and effective response to the humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia. They also committed to communicate their humanitarian allocations and spend in a transparent and timely manner.

c) The Government of Ethiopia pledged to facilitate unimpeded and sustained access for humanitarian organizations to reach affected populations throughout the country, including conflict-affected regions, and to ensure the safety and security of humanitarian personnel and assets. The Government of Ethiopia further committed to ensuring that the movement of Internally Displaced People is voluntary, safe, and dignified.

d) The Government of Ethiopia pledged to collaborate on a common food insecurity and livelihoods assessment and analysis framework, with the aim of establishing enhanced national capacities and vulnerability-linked databases, drawing on global best practices such as the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), as appropriate.

e) The Government also committed to undertaking a joint review exercise, aimed at ensuring a progressive environment for civil society organizations and NGOs, including to facilitate humanitarian operations. The Government is committed to lifting taxes on humanitarian relief commodities, including medical supplies and those used in the treatment of malnutrition. The review will further include consideration of streamlined administrative processes for visa applications and work permits for humanitarian personnel.

f) The United Nations, in collaboration with humanitarian partners, committed to mobilizing resources and delivering life-saving assistance to affected communities in Ethiopia, including food aid, medical supplies, shelter, and protection services, in accordance with identified needs and priorities.

g) The Government of Ethiopia committed to actively engage relevant stakeholders to address the root causes of crisis, including conflict resolution, peacebuilding, national dialogue, and transitional justice, alongside its long-term, game-changing sustainable development initiatives. This includes fostering collaboration and coordination with development partners and actors to transition from emergency assistance to sustainable support and resilience-building.

In light of the commitments announced during the High-Level Pledging Event, the Government of Ethiopia and the co-hosts reiterate their dedication to addressing the humanitarian crisis in the country and are grateful to the international community for their continued support. By working together to ensure an efficient and effective humanitarian response, and to tackle the root causes, partners will contribute to a more peaceful, prosperous, and equitable world.


Signatories on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia; Co-hosts: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United Nations

H.E Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

The Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell, Deputy Foreign Secretary and Minister of Development and Africa

Ms. Joyce Msuya, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator