Global pastoralist talks begin in Ethiopian bush

The most diverse meeting of pastoralists in world history got underway today in Yabello, Southern Ethiopia.

Over 300 pastoralists from all over the world, including Peruvians, Indians and Chadians, were greeted by senior Borana elder Nura Dida in a temporary bush camp built in the shadow of Kasa Dambi hill to discuss trade, governance and conflict.

"Thank you for answering our call," he said. "We are honoured to have you here."

The Regional Pastoralist Gathering 2006 was blessed by its hosts the Borana, the Gabra, and the Guji before Borana horsemen and people from the local area began proceedings with a spectacular display of singing and dancing. Pastoralists on horseback circled the seated delegates with increasing speed as applause and laughter rang out from the crowd.

An impressive nineteen countries are represented at the event with representatives from all corners of the globe joining Greater Horn pastoralists to share knowledge and plan for the future of this unique way of life.

Patta Scott-Villiers of event organisers, the Pastoralist Communication Initiative (UNOCHA-PCI), said that the gathering was not about the past.

"This meeting is about the future," she said. "This meeting is about bringing together knowledge from all the countries represented and working out where pastoralism can go if we all put our heads together."

The gathering takes place until the 18th of July and the assembled pastoralists will be joined by senior Government and high-ranking UN officials for the last two days.

For more information or to arrange interviews please contact: Senait Arefaine: OCHA Information and Advocacy Unit: +251 11-5444186; from 10th - 19th July, PCI Satphone 1: +88 2162 1159 777; from 10th - 19th July, PCI Satphone 2: +88 2162 2155 946.