Meningitis outbreak in Ethiopia supported with $2.9 million from the CERF

The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) provided US$2.9 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) to reduce deaths and illness due to a meningitis outbreak in Ethiopia. With CERF funds, 1.3 million doses of vaccine will be procured and distributed to high risk woredas (local administrative districts) for meningitis vaccination campaigns. An estimated 1.2 million people between 2-30 years of age will be vaccinated and drugs will be given to treat some 7,000 meningitis cases.

CERF provides $1.1 million in food aid for displaced in Ethiopia

Conflict and tensions between the Borena and Gabra tribes in Moyale, Kenya intensified during January 2012 causing the displacement of some 12,000 people into Moyale, Ethiopia. An estimated 48 people have been killed, 1,251 people are missing and more than 9,000 households displaced due to the conflict. For host and displaced families in Ethiopia, the number of daily meals has been reduced from three times per day to one or two.

While humanitarian aid has been provided to support health, clean water, sanitation and non-food items for displaced people, there has been limited funding for food aid. In response to the need to support displaced communities and relieve the burden of host communities’ assets and livelihoods, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) provided a grant of US$1.1 million to the World Food Programme (WFP) for emergency food aid targeting 29,000 people affected by the crisis.