Media Advisory: UN Humanitarian Chief Mark Lowcock to visit Fiji, New Zealand and Australia


WHO: Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

WHAT: Mission to Fiji, New Zealand, and Australia

WHEN: 23-28 February 2020

WHERE: Suva, Wellington, and Canberra

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock will be visiting the Pacific for the first time as UN Humanitarian Chief. He will be there to explore the important contribution Fiji, New Zealand and Australia make to the global humanitarian system.

Mr Lowcock will be in Suva, Fiji on 23-24 February, where he will meet senior Government officials and humanitarian partners. On 24 February, he will travel to Deuba in Serua Province to meet people from coastal communities and take stock of the humanitarian consequences of climate change in low lying islands.

Mr Lowcock will then travel to Wellington, New Zealand, on 25-26 February, followed by Canberra, Australia, on 27-28 February for a series of meetings with senior Government officials to discuss key humanitarian issues and strategic partnerships in the Asia Pacific region and globally.

For further information on media opportunities during the mission, please contact:
Zoe Paxton, + 1 917 297 1542

For further information, please contact:

  • In Geneva: Jens Laerke, +41 79 472 9750,
  • In New York: Zoe Paxton, + 1 917 297 1542

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