Georgia: New Approach to IDP Assistance

The New Approach is a joint effort by the Government of Georgia, the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Bank and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).


The New Approach is a joint effort to substantially improve the lives of displaced persons in Georgia, and their host communities, by reforming government policy and supporting more appropriate assistance programs.


Half the displaced in Georgia live in crowded collective centers that were renovated seven years ago to be temporary dwellings. Many others continue to live in crowded conditions with host families. Most displaced are also unemployed and are unable to afford quality health care or education. In addition, the displaced are unable to vote in many elections. At the same time, lack of jobs, affordable health care and quality education affects a large number of persons in Georgia who are not displaced. Yet a wide range of policies and programs exist, in theory if not in practice, specifically to support the displaced. These programs however, have often done little to help displaced people restart their lives and take care of themselves thus adding to the burden of their host communities. This combination of laws and programs that are supposed to help the displaced, but in fact only hurt them and everyone else, is creating ill feeling between the different communities in Georgian society, and is preventing Georgia from attaining its full potential. The laws and programs therefore, need to be changed.


The Georgia Self Reliance Fund

To test and develop new kinds of programs that will help displaced people and host communities take care of themselves, a trial Fund has been established with US$ 1.0 million from UNDP, UNHCR, the World Bank, and the United States Agency for International Development. This trial endowment is called the Georgia Self Reliance Fund. In September a request for proposals will be issued by the Fund. NGOs and others will be able to request financial support from the Fund to test innovative programs that will help IDPs and their host communities gain access to land, better housing, vocation training, jobs, credit, information regarding rights, and news about existing programs, as well as tools and opportunities they will be able to use to take care of themselves.

The New Approach Assessment

To learn more about, and understand the problems faced by the displaced and their host communities, throughout Georgia, a series of studies have been commissioned. These studies concern shelter, access to social services, participation in the job market, community resources, and the law as it related to IDPs. In addition, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has conducted a detailed study of displaced and non-displaced households to learn more about how they live, and the difficulties they face. Information from the studies is confidential and will help the Government, donors, international organizations and NGOs improve their programs and policies to better respond to the needs of the displaced and host communities.

Presidential Commission

To help reform government policy and support more appropriate assistance programs, the Government has established a Presidential Commission chaired by the State Minister. The Commission is composed of Ministers, as well as technical experts, including many from the IDP community. The technical experts will help the Fund choose new programs by providing specialist comment on proposals. The experts will also help the assessment by providing access to government sources of information. Most importantly, the Commission will break bureaucratic blockages that slow the implementation of improved policies and programs.

Looking Ahead

Obviously, US$ 1.0 million isn't enough to help all IDPs and host communities in need. The New Approach however, is only just beginning. The Assessment and trial Fund are parts of its initial, test phase. If successful, the Fund and Assessment will be used as a basis next year to design and implement a large scale, two or three year, multi-million dollar program of assistance to IDPs and their host communities that will help them take care of themselves.


ra aris 'axleburi midgoma~?

'axleburi midgoma~ saqarTvelos mTavrobis, gaero-s mudmivi da humanitaruli koordinatoris, gaero-s ganviTarebis programis, gaero-s ltolvilTa umaRlesi komisariatis (luk-i), msoflio bankisa da gaero-s humanitarul saqmeTa sakoordinacio ofisis (hsso) erToblivi Zalisxmevaa.

ras akeTebs 'axleburi midgoma~?

'axleburi midgoma~ saqarTveloSi iZulebiT gadaadgilebuli pirebisa da maTi maspinZeli ojaxebis sacxovrebeli pirobebis gasaumjobeseblad mimarTuli erToblivi Zalisxmevaa, romelic unda ganxorcieldes samTavrobo politikis reformaciiTa da daxmarebis ufro metad Sesaferisi programebis gatarebiT.

ratom akeTebs amas 'axleburi midgoma~?

saqarTveloSi iZulebiT gadaadgilebul pirTa nawili im koleqtiur centrebSi cxovrobs, romlebic Svidi wlis win ganaaxles rogorc droebiTi TavSesafrebi. meore nawili maT maspinZel ojaxebTan erTad binadrobs gadatvirTul sacxovrebel pirobebSi. gadaadgilebulTa umetesoba umuSevaria da xeli ar miuwvdeba jandacvasa da ganaTlebaze. rig arCevnebSi gadaadgilebulebs ar SeuZliaT xmis micema. amavdroulad, samsaxuris, xelmisawvdomi jandacvisa da xarisxiani ganaTlebis miRebis SesaZleblobis deficiti saqarTvelos mosaxleobis im did nawilsac azaralebs, romelic ar aris gadaadgilebuli. arsebobs mravali programa, praqtikulad Tu ara, Teoriulad mainc, romelTa ZiriTadi mizani gadaadgilebulTa daxmarebaa. magram es programebi mxolod mcireds Tu akeTebs imisaTvis, rom iZulebiT gadaadgilebulebma axali cxovrebis dawyeba da sakuTar Tavze zrunva SeZlon, riTac, Tavis mxriv, tvirTs Seumsubuqeben maT maspinZel sazogadoebebsac. im kanonebisa da programebis kombinacia, romlebic miznad isaxavs gadaadgilebul pirTa daxmarebas, faqtiurad mxolod zians ayenebs maT, yvela sxvas da xdeba saqarTvelos sazogadoebis sxvadasxva fenebs Soris erTmaneTis mimarT uaryofiTi damokidebulebis Camoyalibebis mizezi. yovelive es ki xels uSlis saqarTvelos sruli potencialis mopovebaSi. aqedan gamomdinare, unda Seicvalos kanonebi da programebi.

rogor akeTebs amas 'axleburi midgoma~?

saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondi
im programebis gamocdisa da mxardaWeris mizniT, romlebic daexmareba gadaadgilebul pirebsa da maT maspinZel sazogadoebebs, rom SeZlon sakuTari Tavis movla-patronoba, gaero-s ganviTarebis programam, luk-ma, msoflio bankma da aSS-s saerTaSoriso ganviTarebis saagentom Camoayalibes eqsperimentuli fondi erTi milioni aSS dolaris biujetiT. sacdel fonds saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondi hqvia. seqtemberSi fondi gamoscems gancxadebas SemoTavazebaTa miRebis Sesaxeb. arasamTavrobo organizaciebsa da sxvebs saSualeba miecemaT, fondisgan moiTxovon im ganaxlebadi programebis dafinanseba, romlebic igp-ebsa da maT maspinZel sazogadoebebs daexmareba miwaze xelmisawvdomobis, ukeTesi sacxovrebeli pirobebis, profesiuli treningis, dasaqmebis, kreditis, maTi uflebebis, arsebuli programebis, im saSualebebisa da SesaZleblobebis Sesaxeb informaciis miRebaSi, romlebic xels Seuwyobs maT sakuTari moTxovnilebebis uzrunvelyofaSi.

'axleburi midgomis~ mier Catarebuli Sefaseba

im problemebis gasacnobad da ukeT gasagebad, romelTa winaSec dganan iZulebiT gadaadgilebuli pirebi da maTi maspinZeli sazogadoebebi saqarTvelos masStabiT, ganxorcielda mTeli rigi gamokvlevebi. es gamokvlevebi moicavda TavSesafars, socialur momsaxurebis xelmisawvdomobas, dasaqmebis bazarze igp-Ta monawileobis dones, sazogadoebriv resursebsa da im kanonebs, romlebic gamoica igp-Ta Sesaxeb. amasTan, wiTeli jvrisa da wiTeli naxevarmTvaris saerTaSoriso federaciam Caatara detaluri gamokvleva gadaadgilebuli da ara-gadaadgilebuli ojaxebis Sesaxeb, raTa arsebobdes meti informacia maTi sacxovrebeli pirobebisa da im problemebis Sesaxeb, romelTa winaSec dganan isini.

saprezidento komisia
samTavrobo politikis reformirebisa da daxmarebis ufro Sesaferisi programebis mxardasaWerad, mTavrobis mier Camoyalibda saprezidento komisia saxelmwifo ministris TavmjdomareobiT. komisia Sedgeba ministrebisa da teqnikuri eqspertebisagan, romelTa Soris bevria igp-Ta sazogadoebis warmomadgeneli. teqnikuri eqspertebi profesiuli rCevebiT daexmarebian fonds SemoTavazebaTa SerCevaSi. Sefasebisas eqspertebi aseve uzrunvelyofen informaciis samTavrobo wyaroebze xelmisawvdomobas. rac mTavaria, komisia gadalaxavs biurokratiul barierebs, romlebic aferxebs gaumjobesebuli politikisa da programebis ganxorcielebas.

winaswar ganWvreta
aSkaraa, rom erTi milioni aSS dolari ar aris sakmarisi igp-Ta da maTi maspinZeli sazogadoebebis dasaxmareblad. magram 'axleburi midgoma~ mxolod dasawyisia. Sefaseba da eqsperimentuli fondi ki misi sawyisi, sacdeli fazis nawili. Tu yovelive warmatebiT ganxorcieldeba, fondi da Sefaseba iqneba safuZveli momaval wels ufro didi masStabis, ori an samwliani, mraval-milioniani dolaris Rirebulebis programis gansaxorcieleblad, romelic iTvaliswinebs igp-Ta da maTi maspinZeli ojaxebis daxmarebas sakuTari moTxovnilebebis Tavad dakmayofilebaSi.