Georgia Self Reliance Fund seeking proposals for small-scale pilot programs

The Georgia Self Reliance Fund (GSRF) is seeking proposals for small-scale pilot programs, which can generate innovative new ideas and concepts to help internally displaced persons (IDPs), their host families and their host communities improve their self-reliance. The Fund is especially interested in receiving proposals related to initiatives in the areas of accommodation, income generation, land access, and access to information but will review applications in other areas of concern as well.

The Fund will provide grants ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 to support successful proposals. The grants shall be awarded via a competitive selection process that shall be conducted in several rounds. Proposals for the first round should be submitted no later than the close of business (18:00 hours, Tbilisi time) on 23 October 2000 to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), which is providing secretariat support to the Fund.

Legally constituted entities such as registered national NGOs, registered community based organizations, international organizations, international NGOs, accredited universities, legally incorporated businesses, and local government agencies in IDP affected areas are eligible to apply.

The Georgia Self Reliance Fund is a financing mechanism associated with the pilot phase of the New Approach to IDP Assistance. The New Approach is a joint effort, initially undertaken by the Government of Georgia, the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Bank and OCHA, but still open to additional parties. The New Approach is a common endeavor, to develop and implement strategies which contribute to sustainable improvement in the lives of displaced persons and host communities in Georgia, by reforming government policy and supporting effective assistance programs. The GSRF has been established with approximately US$ 1.0 million in financing from UNDP, UNHCR, and the World Bank, and is also still open to additional patrons.

Prospective applicants interested in submitting proposals to the Georgia Self Reliance Fund should review a copy of its Applicant Guidelines. The Guidelines describe the Fund, the scope of interventions it will support, who is eligible to apply, the application format, how to submit applications, and the review criteria that will be applied. A copy of the Applicant Guidelines for the Fund may be requested from OCHA (UN House, 9 Eristavi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia, 380079; Tel./Fax: (995 32) 959-516; E-mail: Alternatively, it may be downloaded from OCHA’s ReliefWeb at .

In addition, hardcopies may be obtained from the DRC NGO Resource Centre in Kutaisi, and the office of the Public Interest Protection League in Zugdidi. Electronic copies may be obtained from the website of the United Nations Association in Georgia at, and the Assistance Georgia website (, a project maintained by the Georgian Government’s Coordination Department for International Humanitarian Aid, with technical assistance from Save the Children under USAID’s Georgia Assistance Initiative.



1.1 The Georgia Self Reliance Fund (GSRF) is a financing mechanism established to test and develop pilot initiatives that may demonstrate successful strategies for helping internally displaced persons (IDPs), individually and collectively, to improve their self-reliance. It is not intended to duplicate or substitute for existing sources of humanitarian or development assistance to IDPs. Rather it is intended to enhance the use of these resources by identifying and testing new approaches which can be used to sustainably improve the condition faced by the internally displaced.

1.2 The GSRF is associated with the pilot phase of the New Approach to IDP Assistance. The New Approach is a joint effort by the Government of Georgia, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Bank and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to improve the lives of IDPs in Georgia, and their host communities, by reforming government policy and developing appropriate assistance programs.

1.3 The GSRF has been initially established by the Government of Georgia, UNDP, UNHCR, and the World Bank. It is anticipated that other donors will eventually participate in the Fund as well. Technically, it is a trust of the World Bank's Post Conflict Fund (PCF), wherein responsibility for proposal selection and substantive decision making is delegated to a local Steering Committee composed of one government representative, and one representative from all contributors to the Fund. OCHA, as secretariat to, and facilitator of the New Approach, is also secretariat to the GSRF providing coordination services.

1.4 It is anticipated that the GSRF will be initially funded by grants from contributing institutions totaling US$ 1.0 million. The Fund will award approximately 20 grants per year, via a competitive process. Awards shall range from US$ 25,000 to US$ 100,000. Fundamentally, proposals will be judged by the extent to which the programs suggested are likely to help to elaborate new or enhanced strategies which will lead to sustainable improvements in the lives of IDPs by contributing to their self-reliance, and by the extent to which they develop or make use of innovative strategies, and modalities that have the potential to be scaled-up or show direction to future large-scale projects.

1.5 These guidelines are provided to potential applicants to facilitate the preparation of suitable proposals. The guidelines may be altered by the Steering Committee as it deems fit to enhance the effectiveness of the Fund. Applicants may, if they wish,Please consult OCHA before submission of a proposal. Feedback on how these guidelines can be improved is welcome.


2.1 In light of its stated purpose, the GSRF is seeking proposals for pilot programs which will make use of creative, inventive and innovative concepts, strategies and modalities to help IDPs, their host families and their host communities improve their self reliance. As such, it is likely to support programs that are development oriented, and are of two types. Some will have IDPs, host families and host communities as their direct beneficiaries. Others will assist IDPs, host families and host communities indirectly by focusing on local NGOs. The spirit of the GSRF however, dictates that a significant majority of the interventions supported be direct, with IDPs as their beneficiaries.

The GSRF is particularly interested in supporting pilot programs whose objectives aim to contribute to:

a. Achieving Sustainable Alternative Accommodation for IDPs Please note that the GSRF grants cannot be utilized to directly finance the purchase of land.;

b. Identifying and promoting innovative opportunities for sustainable income generation;

c. Overcoming isolation and lack of information among IDPs;

d. Enhancing Social Capital Through Community Development within IDP or IDP/host communities;

e. Reinforcing the Capacity of Intermediary Institutions.

2.2 Proposals which focus on one or more of these areas are particularly welcome. Some detailed examples of potential interventions in these areas of concern are listed in annex one. The above list however, is illustrative not exhaustive. Accordingly, well conceived programs falling outside this range, for example those in the health sector, which are nonetheless development oriented and outline innovative methods of supporting self-reliance, will also be considered and reviewed on their merits and consistency with the overall aims of the GSRF.

2.3 Interventions that are considered to fall wholly outside the scope of the GSRF include those of a relief, short-term, or non-sustainable nature. Accordingly, proposals are not welcome, and shall be rejected for interventions such as collective center repairs that are not part of a re-accommodation program, and distributions of food, medicines, clothing, etc.

2.4 While the GSRF may, in cases of exceptional merit, consider support of analytical studies and surveys, the emphasis of the Fund is on supporting "hands-on" programs which can demonstrate new approaches through actual implementation of small-scale projects that create real benefits for IDPs and actively involve IDPs in their planning and execution.

2.5 The pilot nature of the Fund dictates that it will support initiatives which maximize learning and offer either opportunities for expansion or illustrate important lessons which can influence policy directions of the Government of Georgia and international assistance agencies. This means, in practice, that the Fund can only support activities which can be completed within a limited time period, ideally within 12 months and a maximum of 24 months. This also means that proposals should also include a suitable plan for monitoring and evaluation which will allow lessons from initiatives to be disseminated following the completion of Fund-supported activities.


3.1 Proposals to the GSRF can only be accepted from legally constituted entities. Proposals therefore, are welcome from i) national, legally registered NGOs; international organizations ii) international NGOs; iii).) local, registered NGOs, international organizations; iv) registered community based organizations; v) accredited universities; vi.) legally incorporated businesses, vii.) and local government agencies. Consistent with the purpose of the GSRF, proposals are also welcome from communities comprised of IDPs and communities comprised of IDPs and local citizens, provided they partner with an existing, legally registered NGO. As institutional capacity and a demonstrated track record of management and financial probity is considered necessary to successfully develop and implement pilot strategies and innovative modalities, nascent NGOs and applicants lacking institutional capacity are encouraged to partner with more developed NGOs and organizations. Applicants must demonstrate that their institutions have the capability to manage the initiatives which they propose. They also must demonstrate that they have the technical capacity and experience to plan and execute the specific initiatives proposed.

3.2 Recognizing the fact that some innovative programs which encourage the self-reliance of IDPs and host communities are already being carried out by some pioneering organizations, the GSRF is willing, on an exceptional basis, to consider proposals which build on lessons learned in existing small-scale programs of a pilot nature, as well as proposals for new initiatives. In such cases, applicants will be required to demonstrate that GSRF funding does not duplicate or substitute for existing funding sources.


4.1 General Description: The applicant will first provide a general description of the proposed project. This description should be no more than a 1/2 page in length.

4.2 Details on Implementation: The applicant will then provide details on the proposed implementation of the project. This section regarding implementation should be no more than 1 1/2 pages in length.

4.3 If collaboration with another organizations is envisaged, the nature of the collaboration should be indicated in this section of the proposal. In addition, a one-page letter by the organization which is to be collaborated with should be attached to the proposal, outlining its support for the proposal and its views on the nature of the collaboration.

4.4 Justification & Measures of Progress: The applicant will then provide justification for the project. Specifically, the applicant must indicate how this project will fulfill the purpose of the GSRF and fit within the programming environment existent in the applicant's intended geographic area of operation. While a comprehensive review of existing programs is not expected, the prospective grantee must, at a minimum, demonstrate a familiarity with the programming environment. Ideally, there should be no duplication with existing programming. If duplication is foreseen, the applicant should justify the duplication by demonstrating the special innovative nature of the new activity and reasons why it may not be incorporated into existing programming. It should also indicate how it intends to coordinate with the existing program. To this end, a one page letter from the organization(s) undertaking the existing program should be attached to the proposal, outlining support for the proposal and the suggested means of coordinating programming.

4.5 In addition, the applicant must, in this section, outline the indicators that it intends to use for measuring progress towards increasing beneficiary self reliance as well as an adequately budgeted plan for monitoring and evaluation. Given the pilot nature of the Fund and the need to disseminate any lessons from the supported activities, the provisions for monitoring and evaluation should be given careful reflection. In total, this section should be no more than 1 1/2 pages.

4.6 Contact Information: The applicant will then provide, in a 1/2 page section, contact information. This section should include the name of the applicant, and where applicable the address, phone number, e-mail address and website of the applicant. The names of one contact person and one alternate within the applicant institution should be listed. All liaison between the GSRF, and its associated entities will be with the listed contact, and, in his or her absence, the alternate. In cases where collaboration with another agency is envisaged, contact details should be provided in this section for the collaborator.

4.7 Competence of Applicant: The applicant will then provide a 1 page description of itself. The description should justify the competence of the applicant to successfully complete the proposed project. This description should include the specific technical competencies and experience required for the project’s activities as well as the overall capability of the applicant to manage the project and provide financial reporting. If collaboration with another organization is envisaged, this section should justify the competence of the collaborator as well.

4.8 Project Budget: Finally, the applicant will attach a project budget. The budget should be no more than 2 pages in length. It should itemize how the applicant proposes to utilize a grant from the GSRF. Cost sharing between the GSRF and other sources of financing should be indicated. Applicants should not include undefined overheads. The GSRF will only support overheads that are well defined, relate specifically to implementation of proposal activities, and are local in nature. Under no circumstances will the GSRF support headquarter overheads for international organizations and NGOs. Requests for financing vehicles, computers and other equipment are also discouraged.


5.1 Applications will be submitted to OCHA (UN House, 9 Eristavi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia, 380079; Tel./Fax: 995-32-959-516; E-mail: for the attention of OCHA's Secretary. International organizations and NGOs, will submit two copies of their applications, one in English, the other in Georgian. Ideally, national NGOs and other local actors will also submit two copies of their applications, one in English and one in Georgian. For local NGOs and actors however, this is not a requirement. They may submit only in Georgian, although dual submissions will be interpreted as a sign of greater capacity and ability to carry out projects.

5.2 Applications may be delivered by hand, sent via a postal service, or sent electronically via e-mail. Ideally, proposals delivered by hand and post should be computer printouts accompanied by a virus-free diskette with a copy of the proposal in MS Word format. Submissions by e-mail should be as MS Word attachments. The GeoDumba font should be used for Georgian language documents created and saved in the MS Word format.

5.3 The GSRF will have periodic rounds of proposal solicitation and review. Applications for the first round must be received by OCHA by the close of business, 18:00 hours Tbilisi time, on 23 October, 2000. Selection decisions for this first round are expected by 20 November. Proposals that are not received by the 23 October deadline will be included in a second round of proposal solicitation and review currently scheduled to begin in late-November. A schedule for subsequent rounds will be decided upon by the GSRF Steering Committee, as and when needed, and publicized with sufficient lead time to allow prospective applicants to prepare submissions.

5.4 OCHA is under no obligation to provide photocopies, printouts, diskettes, computer services, or assistance of any kind to applicants to facilitate the submission of proposals. Under no circumstances should originals be submitted as OCHA is under no obligation to provide applicants with photocopies or printouts of their proposals. OCHA is also under no obligation to maintain copies of proposals after they have been reviewed and decisions have been executed.


6.1 Following the close of the submission, OCHA will review proposals to ensure that they meet the minimum criteria and standards of the GSRF. Proposals which meet these criteria and standards will then undergo a dual review process. The Presidential Commission will coordinate a government review and short-listing of proposals. OCHA will coordinate a technical review and short-listing by an independent institution. OCHA, acting as secretariat for the GSRF will then forward both short-lists, their corresponding proposals and a summary cover for each proposal to the Steering Committee of the GSRF for review. The Committee has the right to review proposals that appear on either one short-list or both.

6.2 Using the review criteria outlined below, the Steering Committee, as the sole decision making authority for the Fund, may accept or reject a proposal, request further expert evaluation, or resubmission by the applicant with further documentation and/or amendments. The Committee may also choose to accept a proposal at a lower level of funding than requested. The Committee’s decisions will be on the basis of consensus.

6.3 Following final selection by the Steering Committee, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, acting as chair of the Steering Committee, shall issue notification letters to all applicants. Letters will not be accompanied by returned proposals, or copies of review documentation.

6.4 OCHA is under no obligation to update applicants on the status of their proposal at any time during the process. During the period during which proposals are outstanding, no party to the New Approach may provide assistance to any applicant that would favor or prejudice its application, including assistance in the elaboration of proposals. Parties to the New Approach shall include OCHA, the Presidential Commission and its constituent parts, the Steering Committee and its members, and all organizations contracted within the New Approach. If an applicant contacts parties to the New Approach requesting assistance with project elaboration they should be directed to contact appropriate actors engaged in capacity building of the local NGO community.


7.1 Rejection will not prejudice alternative proposals submitted in response to future GSRF solicitations.


8.1 In cases where the Steering Committee has identified a proposal that posits an interesting concept which is in accordance with the purpose, scope and review criteria of the GSRF, but requires additional elaboration, the Steering Committee shall provide the applicant with specific comments and suggestions for improvement, and request resubmission, potentially with additional documentation. In such cases, a final determination regarding the proposal shall be tabled until the next round of proposal solicitation at which time the original application, its review materials, a revised application, and any additional documentation requested by the Committee shall go directly to the Steering Committee. Under no circumstances should a request to resubmit be construed as a commitment on the part of the GSRF or the Steering Committee to accept the revised proposal.


9.1 In cases wherein the Steering Committee has elected to request further evaluation, final determination shall be tabled until the next round of proposal solicitation at which time the application, its accompanying documentation from the first round, and the findings of the requested review shall go directly to the Steering Committee.


10.1 If the Steering Committee has selected a proposal, the successful applicant will be put in contact with a representative of the World Bank's Resident Mission. As administrator of the GSRF, the Bank shall arrange and sign with the applicant, a grant agreement. As the grant agreement (Letter of Agreement - LOA) shall be concluded with the World Bank, its rules and regulations shall apply, including its rules for procurement and grant termination. The process of preparing a Letter of Agreement is anticipated to take approximately three weeks.

10.2 The agreement, among other items, shall detail a monitoring and reporting plan for the project, based on the Justification and Measures of Progress section of the application. Depending upon the duration and nature of the activities supported, funds may be disbursed in one or more tranches. Periodic progress reporting may be required on a case by case basis. In such cases, at the discretion of the Steering Committee, the receipt of such reports may be a condition of disbursement of funds. It is envisaged that most proposals will receive financing in one or at most two installments.

10.3 Throughout the life a successful applicant’s project, OCHA shall be the focal point for all general New Approach and GSRF matters--in particular coordination and information exchange, including publicity and outreach. UNDP however, shall be the principal focal point for all successful applicants in regards program monitoring and reporting.


11.1 All proposals will be reviewed based upon the criteria outlined below. These criteria represent benchmarks however, rather than absolute standards.

11.2 Fundamentally, proposals will be primarily judged by the extent to which the programs suggested are likely to help elaborate new or enhanced strategies which will lead to sustainable improvements in the lives of IDPs by contributing to their self-reliance, and, by the extent to which they develop or make use of innovative strategies, and modalities that have the potential to be scaled-up or show direction to future large-scale projects. Programs will be considered likely to sustainably improve the lives of IDPs if the efforts proposed are likely to i.) facilitate the freeing of IDPs from reliance on non-sustainable types of assistance, ii.) support the building of personal capacities of IDPs, iii.) foster an environment wherein IDPs are able to apply their skills, or iv.) increase the access of IDPs to the rights available to non-displaced citizens of Georgia.

11.3 Proposals will also be judged (see paragraphs 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5 above) by the extent to which its implementation plan, (including specific components for monitoring and evaluation), is both feasible and appropriate to achieve the objectives of the proposal.

11.4 In addition, a number of additional factors will be taken into consideration in the review of proposals:

a. Given that involvement in project implementation can often contribute to self-reliance, mobilization of community and IDP knowledge and / or participation shall also be a welcome feature of programs outlined in proposals and will be considered a positive attribute. On the other hand, no specific requirement shall be made for co-financing, nor for government, IDP, or community input in the form of financial contributions or in-kind contributions such as labor or materials. Proposals however, that do feature contributions shall be viewed more favorably.

b. As many of the constraints faced by IDPs are interlinked, proposals which entail either a multi-sectoral approach, or feature collaboration with the programs of organizations operating in other sectors, shall be considered favorably.

c. For those programs targeting both IDPs and host communities, no specific target will be set for the number of IDP beneficiaries that must be included. Rather, the program will be judged based on the likelihood that it will substantially improve the lives of IDPs.

d. No specific requirement shall be made for cost recovery. Proposals that feature appropriate cost recovery and sustainability plans however, shall be viewed more favorably than proposals that do not, but could have reasonably accommodated such features.

e. Unnecessary duplication with existing similar programming shall be considered a negative attribute of proposals, unless sufficient justification for duplication is provided and evidence of close collaboration with existing programming is exhibited.

11.5 In considering proposals, a number of factors not related to the program outlined shall also be considered. In particular, the institutional capacity of the applicant and its collaborator (if present), shall be examined. Demonstrable institutional capacity by either the applicant or its collaborator (if present) will be considered favorably when reviewing proposals. For the purposes of the GSRF, institutional capacity shall be considered demonstrable when the applicant or its collaborator (if present) is able to show the following:

a. The applicant is a legally constituted entity.

b. The applicant has transparent and accountable financial and managerial mechanisms.

c. The applicants has a history of financial probity.

d. The applicant has a successful track record planning, implementing, providing support to, and monitoring programs.

e. The applicant has access to sufficient technical expertise.

f. The applicant has experience working with IDPs.

g. The applicant has experience operating in Georgia.

11.6 In addition, a demonstrated ability to collaborate with other organizations and disseminate results and lessons learned shall be considered favorably when reviewing proposals.


12.1 The nature of the GSRF--supporting innovation--dictates that a specific comprehensive set of programs which the Fund will support not be outlined. Information regarding the conditions faced by IDPs however, outlined by the New Approach Assessment and other sources, suggests that certain forms of interventions may have significant potential for encouraging self-reliance and longer-term IDP needs. For the convenience of applicants, this appendix lists in detail some of the types of potential initiatives which may fall within the objectives of the GSRF.

Achieving Sustainable Alternative Accommodation for IDPs

12.2 IDPs living in private accommodations, either on their own or with host families, tend to be better off socio-economically than IDPs in collective centers. It appears that IDPs in private accommodations have greater levels of access to participation in the economy. Accordingly, the scope of interventions in this area might include programs which test strategies that aim to encourage and move IDPs from collective centers to appropriate, longer-term housing. Such trial strategies could involve one, or a number of, potentially innovative modalities such as:

New Home

a. A trial strategy could, for example, test whether or not it is feasible to assist IDPs by helping them secure longer-term access to land, upon which they could build a home using a standard kit of building materials distributed via the intervention.

Conversion of collective centers to apartments

b. In areas where the existing housing stock is low, an innovative trial strategy might entail conversion of collective centers into low income apartments for rent by IDPs. An intervention of this type may need to consider means of lowering collective center population densities which are currently too high. Collaboration with a program providing housing kits might be an option. An intervention of this type might also need to include a credit and loan guarantee feature or a sound employment feature, or collaborate with other programs that provide such assistance.

Promoting Innovative Opportunities For Sustainable Income Generation

12.3 It is generally recognized that IDPs have lower access to income generating opportunities. Lack of access by IDPs to land has been demonstrated to be one of the principal constraints to generating a level of income sufficient to achieve self-reliance. Accordingly, the scope of potential interventions may include programs that test strategies which aim to increase the income generating opportunities of IDPs so their self reliance is increased and their need for government subsidies is consequently decreased. Such trial strategies could involve innovating on one, or a number of, existing modalities, or the use of new modalities.

Vocational training

a. Strategies could further innovate on program modalities wherein IDPs are provided training that updates aging skills or introduces new skills, thus better enabling IDPs to participate in the present market economy.

Job placement

b. A trial strategy could test the feasibility of providing IDPs with job placement assistance. A program of this type might test a modality wherein a portion of the wage paid to the IDP is subsidized via the program for an initial period thus reducing employer labor costs. Such an approach might encourage prospective employers to hire IDPs.

Business training

c. Strategies could further innovate on program modalities wherein IDPs with business ideas, and requisite vocational skills, but without business experience are provided business training. A program of this type might test the feasibility of using a mentoring system to this end involving existing Georgian or foreign businessmen.

Business incubation

d. Strategies could further innovate on program modalities wherein IDPs with business ideas, appropriate vocational skills, and business training are supported via business incubation centers that provide services such as low cost office space, and internet access. Innovation might entail having incubation centers also serve as clearing houses for information on the local economy thus positioning them to advise IDP businessmen on the types of services communities need, and to improve their chances for success. In Kutaisi and Zugdidi, for example, a successful incubation program is already being operated by the International Rescue Committee with funding from USAID.

Access to land and inputs

e. Strategies could further innovate on program modalities wherein IDP access to land is increased via interventions that team up international or national NGOs with groups of IDPs, so that the NGO secures the longer-term, leased access on behalf of the IDPs. In order to increase the rate at which IDPs achieve self reliance, such interventions also may help IDPs obtain needed farming inputs such as fertilizer, seeds, and fencing. Accion Contra el Hambre is operating a similar program in Zugdidi which could be a reference point for interventions of this type. A trial strategy could test the feasibility of securing longer-term access to land for IDPs on an individual basis via modalities such as the provision of legal assistance (which would enhance prospects of obtaining a longer-term lease), and/ or the provision of credit for paying leasing fees.

Agricultural extension services

f. Many IDPs from rural areas of Abkhazia were employed on collective farms. As such their skill sets may not be fully suited to individual farming. Assuming longer-term access to land can be demonstrated or obtained, A trial strategy could test the feasibility of increasing self reliance by providing IDPs with training that updates farming skills, and introduces market concepts related to farming.

Overcoming Isolation And Lack Of Information Among IDPs

12.4 In some areas of Georgia, particularly Imereti and Samegrelo, there is no lack of interventions already available which are capable of building IDP self reliance. Nevertheless, IDPs in some collective centers do not appear to be aware of these activities. In order to build on the existing programs, opportunities, and services therefore, while at the same time decreasing the isolation of IDPs in some collective centers, the scope of interventions will include programs that test strategies which aim to mobilize IDPs, raise their public awareness, and creatively link them to existing programming. Such trial strategies could involve innovating on one, or a number of, existing modalities, or the use of new modalities.

Community facilitators / social workers

a. A trial strategy could test the feasibility of assisting IDPs via innovative modalities that develop a cadre of social workers or community facilitators. For example, each social worker might be assigned a single collective center with which to work. He or she might be guided by a terms of reference that emphasized the need to: identify problems faced by the displaced, to identify existing appropriate programming, and to engage IDPs in the existing programming.

Training community leaders

b. A trial strategy could test the feasibility of assisting IDPs via innovative modalities that support the identification and training of community leaders in collective centers who might take on the role of linking IDPs centers to existing opportunities, or working with residents to elaborate programs for which they could seek funding from the GSRF, USAID's Georgia Community Mobilization Initiative and other sources. As many potential community leaders, particularly women, are often constrained by the need to secure family income and care for children, interventions of this type might consider including modalities that provide community leaders with a wage or stipend for services. Eventually, the stipend could be paid for by contributions from the community either in cash or in-kind. Interventions of this type could be carried in tandem with, or separately from community facilitator programs.

Outreach campaigns

c. While many newsletters about IDPs exist, the primary audience of these publication are international and national organizations that are undertaking IDP programming. A trial strategy could test the feasibility of assisting IDPs to become less isolated via innovative modalities that support the development, publication and distribution of free, IDP-focused newspapers or newsletters designed to increase awareness of rights and existing services. Strategies also could further innovate on program modalities wherein IDPs are assisted via modalities that support the development, and broadcast on TV and radio of IDP-focused broadcasts designed to increase awareness of rights and existing services. For example, the IDP Women's Association and Chronikoni have developed an IDP broadcast servicing Zugdidi. To ensure IDPs in collective centers are able to tune in, radios have been supplied to a number of centers. This program could be treated as a reference point for interventions of this type.

Enhancing Social Capital Through Community Development

12.5 IDPs often have the willingness to participate in the identification of their own needs, and the elaboration of means to address these needs. On the other hand, IDPs and their host communities often lack knowledge of participatory project planning which would help them to address their needs. Accordingly, the scope of interventions includes programs that test strategies which aim to build the capacities of IDPs and their host communities to identify needs, and elaborate appropriate responses that are based on the participatory input of the whole community. Trial strategies may wish to innovate on the mix of components often constituting community development programs--for example the mixture of training and micro-project funding.

Reinforcing the Capacity of Intermediary Institutions

12.6 While a strong core of effective and mature indigenous NGOs has developed in Kutaisi, Tbilisi and Zugdidi, the capacities of most national NGOs, and local government generally, remain low. This lack of capacity has constrained the delivery of appropriate services to IDPs and host communities. Accordingly, the scope of interventions supported by the Fund may include programs that test strategies which aim to increase the capacities of national NGOs and government. Innovative test strategies might entail inventive modalities for involving national NGOs and government in advocacy programs that aim to reform the legal basis of IDP status and programs involving IDPs. Trial strategies might also entail increasing capacities via innovative training in participatory practices, proposal development, outreach, and program monitoring. As a significant number of outlets exist however, which support innovative training modalities, such as Horizonti, the Eurasia Foundation, and the Opens Society Foundation, support for training will be limited to inventive initiatives that are likely to fall outside the scope of these other outlets.



saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondi (sTuf-i) acxadebs mcire-masStabiani eqsperimentuli programebis miRebas, romlebsac SeeZlebaT ganaxlebadi axali ideebisa da koncefciebis SemuSaveba, raTa daexmarnon iZulebiT gadaadgilebul pirebs (igp-ebs), maT maspinZel ojaxebsa da maT maspinZel sazogadoebebs maTi TviT-uzrunvelyofis donis gaZlierebaSi. fondi gansakuTrebiT dainteresebulia im programebis miRebiT, romlebic moicavs iniciativebs sacxovreblis, Semosavlis warmoebis, miwasa Tu informaciaze xelmisawvdomobis Sesaxeb, Tumca ganixilavs sxva sakiTxebis momcvel ganacxadebsac.

warmatebuli proeqtebis dasafinanseblad fondi gamoyofs grantebs 25 000- 100 000 aSS dolaris farglebSi. grantebi gaicema konkursis SesarCevi procesis gavliT, romelic Catardeba ramdenime raundad. pirveli raundis proeqtebi warmodgenili unda iqnas ara ugvianes 2000 wlis 23 oqtombris samuSao dRisa (18.00sT. Tbilisis droiT) gaero-s humanitarul saqmeTa sakoordinacio ofisSi (hsso), romelic asrulebs fondis samdivnos movaleobas.

ganacxadis Semotana SeuZliaT iuridiulad Camoyalibebul organoebs, rogoricaa registrirebuli adgilobrivi arasamTavrobo organizaciebi, sazogadoebriv sawyisebze dafuZnebuli registrirebuli organizaciebi, saerTaSoriso organizaciebi, saerTaSoriso arasamTavrobo organizaciebi, akreditirebuli universitetebi, iuridiulad Camoyalibebuli biznesebi da adgilobrivi samTavrobo saagentoebi igp-ebiT dasaxlebul raionebSi.

saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondi warmoadgens damafinansebel meqanizms, romelic moqmedebs programis ~igp-Ta dasaxmareblad axleburi midgomis~ sacdel etapze. ~axleburi midgoma~ erToblivi Zalisxmevaa, romelic Tavdapirvelad gaiRes saqarTvelos mTavrobam, gaero-s mudmivma warmomadgenelma da humanitarulma koordinatorma, gaero-s ganviTarebis programam, gaero-s ltolvilTa umaRlesma komisariatma (luk-i), msoflio bankma da hsso-m, magram masSi CarTva SeuZliaT sxva mxareebsac. ~axleburi midgoma~ aris saerTo mcdeloba, romelic miznad isaxavs samTavrobo politikis reformaciiTa da daxmarebis efeqturi programebis gatarebis gziT ganviTardes da ganxorcieldes saqarTveloSi iZulebiT gadaadgilebuli pirebisa da maTi maspinZeli ojaxebis sacxovrebeli pirobebis gasaumjobeseblad mimarTuli strategiebi. sTuf-is Sesaqmenlad gaero-s ganviTarebis programam, gaero-s ltolvilTa umaRlesma komisariatma (luk-ma) da msoflio bankma gadaricxes daaxloebiT erTi milioni aSS dolari, Tumca is aseve Riaa damatebiTi SenatanebisTvis.

perspeqtiuli ganmcxadeblebi, romlebic dainteresebulni arian saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondisTvis proeqtebis wardgeniT, unda gaecnon ganmcxadeblis saxelmZRvanelo principebs. saxelmZRvanelo principebi aRwers fonds, im programebs, romelsac is dauWers mxars, Tu vis SeuZlia ganacxadis wardgena, ganacxadis wardgenis formas da ganixilavs im kriteriumebs, romlebic gamoyenebuli iqneba SerCevisas. ganmcxadeblis saxelmZRvanelo principebi SeiZleba moiTxovoT hsso-sgan (Tbilisi, erisTavis q. #9, gaero-s saxli, 380079. tel./faqsi:(995 32) 959-516;; misi mopoveba aseve SeiZleba internetis meSveobiT Semdeg

saxelmZRvanelo principebis miReba aseve SeiZleba quTaisSi, daniis ltolvilTa sabWos arasamTavrobo organizaciebis centrSi da zugdidSi, sazogadoebrivi interesebis dacvis ligaSi. eleqtronuli aslebis miReba SeiZleba saqarTveloSi gaero-s asociaciis veb-gverdidan Semdeg misamarTze: da saqarTvelos daxmarebis~ veb-gverdze (, es aris proeqti, romelsac axorcielebs saqarTvelos mTavrobis saerTaSoriso humanitaruli daxmarebis sakoordinacio departamenti aSS-s saerTaSoriso ganviTarebis saagentos saqarTvelos daxmarebis iniciativis samuSao CarCoebSi moqmedi organizacia gadavarCinoT bavSvebis~ teqnikuri daxmarebiT.

saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondi
ganmcxadeblis saxelmZRvanelo principebi

1. ra aris saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondi?
1.1 saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondi (sTuf-i) warmoadgens damafinansebel meqanizms, romelic Camoyalibda, raTa gamoscados da ganaviTaros is eqsperimentuli iniciativebi, romlebmac SeiZleba warmoaCinon igp-Ta individualuri Tu koleqtiuri daxmarebis warmatebuli strategiebi maTi TviT-uzrunvelyofis gasaumjobeseblad. misi mizani araa igp-Ta humanitaruli da ganviTarebadi daxmarebis ukve arsebuli wyaroebis gameoreba an Secvla. misi mizania am wyaroebis gamoyenebis gaZliereba im axali midgomebis warmoCeniTa da gamocdiT, romlebmac SeiZleba mkveTrad gaaumjobeson igp-Ta sacxovrebeli pirobebi.

1.2 sTuf-i moqmedebs programa igp-Ta dasaxmareblad axleburi midgomis eqsperimentul etapze. axleburi midgoma erToblivi Zalisxmevaa, romelic gaiRo saqarTvelos mTavrobam, gaero-s ganviTarebis programam, gaero-s ltolvilTa umaRlesma komisariatma (luk), msoflio bankma da gaero-s humanitarul saqmeTa sakoordinacio ofisma (hsso). igi miznad isaxavs saqarTveloSi iZulebiT gadaadgilebuli pirebisa (igp-ebisa) da maTi maspinZeli sazogadoebebis pirobebis gaumjobesebas samTavrobo politikis reformaciisa da daxmarebis ufro Sesaferisi programebis ganviTarebis gziT.

1.3 sTuf-i Tavdapirvelad Camoyalibda saqarTvelos mTavrobis, gaero-s ganviTarebis programis, gaero-s luk-isa da msoflio bankis mier. mosalodnelia, rom fondis saqmianobaSi monawileobas sxva donorebic miiReben. teqnikurad es aris msoflio bankis post-konfliqturi fondis (pkf) satrasto fondi, sadac proeqtebis SerCevisa da gadawyvetilebis miRebis pasuxismgebloba ekisreba adgilobriv sameTvalyureo komitets, romelic Sedgeba mTavrobis erTi da fondis TiToeuli xelSemwyobis TiTo warmomadgenlisagan. hsso, rogorc axleburi midgomis samdivno da misi fasilitatori, asrulebs sTuf-is samdivnos rolsac uzrunvelyofs ra mas sakoordinacio saqmianobiT.

1.4 mosalodnelia, rom fondis sawyisi biujeti iqneba erTi milioni aSS dolari. fondi yovelwliurad daaxloebiT 20 grants gascems sakonkurso procesis gavliT. grantebis savaraudo zomaa 25 000- 100 000 aSS dolari. ZiriTadad SemoTavazebebi Sefasdeba imis gaTvaliswinebiT, Tu ramdenad arsebiTad da myarad gaaumjobeseben SemoTavazebuli programebi igp-Ta pirobebs maTi TviT-uzrunvelyofis donis gaZlierebaSi wvlilis SetaniT, da ramdenad ganaviTareben an gamoiyeneben axal strategiebsa da programebs, romlebsac aqvT SesaZlebloba miiRon didi masStabebi an miuTiTeben momavali did-masStabiani proeqtebis mimarTulebas.

1.5 ganmcxadeblis saxelmZRvanelo principebi ganmcxadebels xels Seuwyobs Sesaferisi proeqtis momzadebaSi. saxelmZRvanelo principebis Secvla SeuZlia sameTvalyureo komitets, Tu miaCnia, rom amiT gaizrdeba fondis efeqturoba. proeqtis wardgenamde ganmcxadeblebs survilis mixedviT SeuZliaT konsultaciisTvis mimarTon hsso-s. misasalmebelia rCevebi imis Sesaxeb, Tu rogor SeiZleba am principebis gaumjobeseba.

2. ra saxis programebs dauWers mxars fondi?
2.1 Tavisi daniSnulebidan gamomdinare, sTuf-i eZebs eqsperimentul programebs, romlebic SemoqmedebiTi, gamWriaxi da ganaxlebadi koncefciebisa da strategiebis gamoyenebiT igp-ebs, maT maspinZel ojaxebsa da sazogadoebebs daexmareba TviT-uzrunvelyofis donis gaZlierebaSi. sTuf-i gansakuTrebiT dainteresebulia im eqsperimentuli programebis mxardaWeriT, romlebic miznad isaxavs:

a. igp-TaTvis alternatiuli mdgradi sacxovreblis uzrunvelyofas gTxovT, gaiTvaliswinoT, rom sTuf-is grantebis gamoyeneba ar SeiZleba miwis nasyidianobis pirdapir dasafinanseblad;
b. Semosavlis mdgradi warmoebis ganaxlebadi SesaZleblobebis warmoCenas da
g. igp-Ta izolaciisa da maT Soris informaciis naklebobis daZlevas;
d. socialuri kapitalis gaZlierebas igp-Ta an igp/ maTi maspinZeli
sazogadoebebis sazogadoebrivi ganviTarebis gziT;
e. saSuamavlo institutebis SesaZleblobebis ganmtkicebas.

2.2 misasalmebelia is programebi, romlebic zemoT CamoTvlil programaTa arealSi xvdeba dawvrilebiTi aRwera im programebisa, romelic gaTvaliswinebuli iqneba SerCevisas, mocemulia danarT 1-Si. vinaidan es sia ar aris yovlismomcveli, mas mxolod sailustracio mizani aqvs. Sesabamisad, is proeqtebi romlebic zemoT mocemul siaSi ar xvdeba, Tumca kargad aris Sedgenili, saTanadod orientirebulia ganviTarebaze da ayalibebs TviT-uzrunvelyofis mxardamWer ganaxlebad meTodebs, (magaliTad programebi jandacvis seqtoris Sesaxeb) SesaZlebelia ar iyos dawunebuli da ganixilos fondis wesebis gaTvaliswinebiT.

2.3 sTuf-i ar iTvaliswinebs saswrafo humanitarul, mokle-vadian an ara-mdgradi xasiaTis programebis dafinansebas. Sesabamisad, ar iqneba mowonebuli da ar ganixileba is programebi, romlebic iTvaliswinebs koleqtiuri centrebis SekeTeba/garemontebas, sursaTis, medikamentebisa da tansacmlis darigebas da sxv.

2.4 miuxedavad imisa rom sTuf-ma SeiZleba gamonaklisis saxiT mxari dauWiros analitikur gamokvlevebs, fondi ZiriTadad yuradRebas gaamaxvilebs im programebze romelTac SeuZliaT axleburi midgomebis warmoCena mcire masStabiani proeqtebis realuri ganxorcielebis gziT. es proeqtebi daexmareba igp-ebs da aqtiurad CarTavs maT proeqtebis dagegmvasa da ganxorcielebaSi.

2.5 sTuf-is eqsperimentuli xasiaTidan gamomdinare is mxars dauWers iseT iniciativebs, romelic SemecnebiTi xasiaTisaa, iZleva miRebuli codnisa da gamocdilebis gavrcelebis da gafarToebis saSualebas, ramac SesaZlebelia zemoqmedeba moaxdinos saqarTvelos mTavrobis da saerTaSoriso humanitaruli saagentoebis saqmianobis mimarTulebebze, praqtikulad es niSnavs imas, rom sTuf-i dainteresedeba programebiT, romelTa xangrZlivoba idealur variantSi 12 an maqsimum 24 Tvea. garda amisa, proeqtebSi unda gaTvaliswinebul iqnas monitoringis da Sefasebis realuri gegma, rac Tavis mxriv miRebuli gamocdilebis gavrcelebis saSualebas mogvcems sTuf-is mier SerCeuli proeqtebis dasrulebis Semdeg.

3. vis SeuZlia monawileobis miReba?
3.1 sTuf-isTvis proeqtebis wardgena SeuZliaT iuridiulad Camoyalibebul organoebs. amgvarad SemoTavazebebis wardgena SeuZliaT Semdeg obieqtebs:a) registrirebul adgilobriv arasamTavrobo organizaciebs; b) saerTaSoriso arasamTavrobo organizaciebs, g), saerTaSoriso organizaciebs, d) sazogadoebriv sawyisebze dafuZnebul registrirebul organizaciebs, e) akreditirebul universitetebs, v) iuridiulad Camoyalibebul biznesebs, z) adgilobriv samTavrobo saagentoebs. sTuf-is daniSnulebidan gamomdinare, SesaZloa gansakuTrebuli yuradReba mieqces igp-Ta an igp-Ta da adgilobrivi moqalaqeebis mier Seqmnili sazogadoebebis mier wardgenil SemoTavazebebs (ra Tqma unda im SemTxvevaSi, Tu isini registrirebulni iqnebian rogorc arasamTavrobo organizacia an imoqmedeben legalurad registrirebuli arasamTavrobo organizaciis meSveobiT). vinaidan organizaciuli gamocdileba miiCneva aucilebel faqtorad sacdeli strategiebisa da ganaxlebadi programebis warmatebiT gansaviTareblad da gasaxorcielebad, im axlad warmoqmnil arasamTavrobo organizaciebsa da ganmcxadeblebs, romelTac arasakmarisi organizaciuli gamocdileba aqvT, rCeva eZlevaT, rom iTanamSromlon ufro ganviTarebul arasamTavrobo organizaciebTan. ganmcxadebel organizaciebs unda hqondeT SesaZlebloba SemoTavazebuli proeqtebis realurad ganxorcielebisa. garda amisa, maT unda hqondeT is teqnikuri baza da gamocdileba rac saWiroa specifiuri proeqtebis dagegmvisa da SesrulebisaTvis.

3.2 gamomdinare im faqtidan, rom zogierTi eqperimentuli organizaciis mier ukve mimdinareobs sxvadaxva programis ganxorcieleba, romlebic mimarTulia igp-Ta da maTi maspinZeli sazogadoebebis TviT-uzrunvelyofis donis gasaumjobeseblad, saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondi, gamonaklisis saxiT mzadaa ganixilos winadadebebi eqsperimentuli xasiaTis mqone arsebuli mciremasStabiani programebis gagrZelebisa da aseve axali saqmianobis wamowyebis Sesaxeb. AaseT SemTxvevebSi, ganmcxadeblebs moeTxovebaT daasabuTon, rom sTuf-is dafinanseba ar emTxveva an ar agrZelebs arsebuli programis dafinansebas.

4. rogori forma unda hqondes ganacxads?
4.1 zogadi aRwera:ganacxadis forma moiTxovs, rom ganmcxadebelma warmoadginos SeTavazebuli proeqtis zogadi aRwera. zogadi aRweris moculoba ar unda aRematebodes Tabaxis naxevar gverds.

4.2 ganxorcielebis detalebi:zogadi aRweris Semdeg ganmcxadebelma unda warmoadginos SemoTavazebuli proeqtis ganxorcielebis detalebi. ganxorcielebasTan dakavSirebuli am nawilis moculoba ar unda aRematebodes 1,5 Tabaxis gverds.

4.3. Tu sxva organizaciebTan TanamSromlobaa gaTvaliswinebuli, TanamSromlobis xasiaTi unda dafiqsirdes proeqtis am nawilSi. amasTan, proeqts unda daerTos erTgverdiani werili im organizaciisagan, romelTanac mosalodnelia TanamSromloba, sadac gadmocemuli iqneba maT mier SemoTavazebuli mxardaWerisa da TanamSromlobis xasiaTi.

4.4 dasabuTeba da progresis maCveneblebi:ganmcxadebelma unda warmoadginos proeqtis mizanSewonilobis dasabuTeba. kerZod, miTiTebuli unda iyos, Tu ramdenad emsaxureba esa Tu is proeqti saqarTvelos TviT-uzrunvelyofis fondis mier dasaxul mizans da Seesabameba Tu ara im geografiul zonas, sadac unda moxdes proeqtis ganxorcieleba. marTalia, ar aris saWiro arsebuli programebis yovlismomcveli mimoxilva, magram grantis perspeqtiulma mimRebma, sul mcire, unda uCvenos, rom kargad icnobs garemos, sadac programis ganxorcielebas gegmavs. Tu gaTvaliswinebulia saqmianobis dublikacia, ganmcxadebelma unda gaamarTlos am gameorebis aucilebloba daukmayofilebeli moTxovnilebebis warmoCeniT da aRweros, rogor apirebs ukve arsebul programasTan koordinacias. am mizniT, proeqts unda daerTos erTgverdiani werili im organizaciisagan (organizaciebisagan), romelic ukve axorcielebs amgvar proeqts, sadac Camoyalibebuli iqneba mis mier SemoTavazebuli mxardaWera da programebis koordinaciis SesaZlo gzebi.

4.5 amasTan, ganmcxadebelma unda Camoayalibos is maCveneblebi, romliTac gegmavs proeqtis ganxorcielebis Semdeg beneficiarTa TviT-uzrunvelyofis unaris amaRlebis Sedegis gazomvas, da proeqtis monitoringis da Seafasebis gegma. sTuf-is eqperimentuli xasiaTidan gamomdinare da imis gaTvaliswinebiT rom TiToeuli proeqtidan miRebuli codna da gamocdileba unda maqsimalurad gavrceldes, monitoringis da Sefasebis gegmis Sedgenas unda saTanado yuradReba mieqces. am nawilis moculoba ar unda aRematebodes 1,5 Tabaxis gverds.

4.6 sakontaqto informacia:ganmcxadebelma 1,5 Tabaxis gverdze unda warmoadginos sakontaqto informacia. am nawilSi miTiTebuli iqneba ganmcxadeblis saxeli, xolo saWiroebis SemTxvevaSi - sakontaqto misamarTi, telefoni, eleqtronuli fostis misamarTi da ganmcxadeblis internet-gverdi. organizaciebma unda aRniSnon erTi ZiriTadi da meore alternatiuli sakontaqto pirovnebaTa monacemebi. hsso, sTuf-i da masTan dakavSirebuli organoebi urTierTobas daamyareben miTiTebul pirovnebasTan, xolo misi aryofnis SemTxvevaSi alternatiuli saxiT warmodgenil pirTan. Tu gaTvaliswinebulia sxva saagentosTan TanamSromloba, maSin unda aRiniSnos misi sakontaqto monacemebebic.

4.7 ganmcxadeblis kompetenturoba:Semdeg ganmcxadebelma unda warmoadginos sakuTari Tavis erTgverdiani aRwera. am daxasiaTebam unda daasabuTos ganmcxadeblis kompetenturoba SemoTavazebuli proeqtis warmatebiT ganxorcielebis TvalsazrisiT. Tu gaTvaliswinebulia sxva saagentosTan TanamSromloba, maSin unda dasabuTdes partnioris kompetenturobac.

4.8 proeqtis biujeti:da bolos, ganmcxadebeli daurTavs proeqtis biujets. biujetis aRwera ar unda aRematebodes 2 gverds. aq punqtebis mixedviT unda iyos aRwerili, Tu rogor apirebs ganmcxadebeli sTuf-isgan miRebuli grantis gamoyenebas. miTiTebuli unda iyos sTuf-isa da proeqtis dafinansebis sxva wyaroebis Tanadafinansebis gzebi. zogadad, ganmcxadebelma ar unda Seitanos biujetSi dauzustebeli zednadebi xarjebi. zednadebi xarjebi dafinansdeba, Tuki isini adgilobrivia, iqneba maTi detaluri aRwera da Tu pirdapir Seexeba proeqtiT gaTvaliswinebuli RonisZiebebis ganxorcielebas. sTuf-i arcerT SemTxvevaSi ar daafinansebs saerTaSoriso da arasamTavrobo organizaciebis saTavo ofisis zednadeb danaxarjebs. rogorc wesi, ar aris gamarTlebuli manqanebze, kompiuterebsa da sxva mowyobilobaze dafinansebis moTxovna.

5. ganacxadis wardgenis dro, adgili da forma
5.1 gancxadebebi unda waredginos hsso-s (Tbilisi, erisTavis q.9, gaero-s saxli, 380079; tel./faqsi:(995 32) 959-516; saerTaSoriso da arasamTavrobo organizaciebi warmoadgenen ganacxadis 2 asls, erTs inglisur da meores qarTul enaze. sasurvelia, rom adgilobrivma arasamTavrobo organizaciebma da sxva adgilobrivma monawileebma sakuTari proeqtebi warmoadginon inglisur da qarTul enebze. marTalia, adgilobrivi arasamTavrobo organizaciebisa da monawileebisTvis es ar aris savaldebulo. maT SeuZliaT SemoTavazebis mxolod qarTul enaze wardgena, magram SemoTavazebebis or enaze wardgena miuTiTebs organizaciis Zlier SesaZleblobebze da proeqtebis ganxorcielebis ufro maRal unarianobaze.

5.2 ganacxadebis Semotana SeiZleba piradad, fostiT an eleqtronuli fostiT. sasurvelia, Tu piradad an fostiT mowodebul SemoTavazebebi iqneba kompiuterze dabeWdili da Tan daerTveba virusze Semowmebuli kompiuteris disketa, sadac Cawerili iqneba SemoTavazebis asli, romelic Sesrulebuli iqneba MS Word formatSi. el-fostiT wardgenili SemoTavazeba unda iyos MS Word-is danarTis saxiT. qarTul enaze Sesrulebuli dokumentisaTvis gamoyenebul unda iqnes GeoDumba fonti da Seinaxos MS Word formatSi.

5.3 sTuf-isTvis proeqtebis wardgenisa da ganxilvisTvis SemuSavdeba perioduli raundebi. pirvel raundSi warsadgeni proeqtebi hsso-m unda miiRos 2000 wlis 23 oqtombris samuSao dRis (18.00 sT.) bolomde. SerCevis Sedegebi cnobili iqneba 20 noembrisTvis. proeqtebi, romlebic ar iqneba droulad wardgenili, avtomaturad CaerTveba proeqtebis wardgenisa da ganxilvis Semdgom raundSi, romelic dagegmilia noembris bolosTvis. Semdegi raundebis ganrigi SemuSavdeba sTuf-is sameTvalyureo komitetis mier da winaswar gamocxaddeba, miscems ra perspeqtiul ganmcxadeblebs proeqtebis mosamzadebel dros.

5.4.5 hsso ar aris valdebuli, gadaiRos aslebi, amobeWdos dokumentebi, gasces disketebi an kompiuteriT moemsaxuros ganmcxadeblebs, raTa xeli Seuwyos proeqtebis Cabarebas. miuRebelia proeqtebis originalebis wardgena, vinaidan hsso ar aris valdebuli gadaiRos aslebi an amobeWdos maTi proeqtebi. amas garda, hsso ar aris valdebuli Seinaxos warmodgenili proeqtebis aslebi maTi ganxilvisa da grantis miniWebis Taobaze gadawyvetilebis miRebis Semdeg.

6. rogor xdeba SemoTavazebaTa ganxilva?
6.1 proeqtebis wardgenis bolo vadis dasrulebis Semdeg hsso ganixilavs proeqtebs, raTa uzrunvelyos, rom isini akmayofileben sTuf-is minimalur kriteriumebs da standartebs. is proeqtebi, romlebic akmayofileben am kriteriumebsa da standartebs, Semdeg gaivlian ormagi ganxilvis process. saprezidento komisia koordinacias gauwevs samTavrobo ganxilvas da proeqtebis pirvelad SerCevas. hsso koordinacias gauwevs proeqtebis teqnikur ganxilvas da pirvelad SerCevas damoukidebeli institutebis mier. amis Semdeg hsso, rogorc sTuf-is samdivno, sTuf-s gansaxilvelad gadascems pirveladi SerCevebiT warmodgenili proeqtebis orive sias, Tavad proeqtebs da TiToeuli maTganis mokle mimoxilvas. komitets ufleba aqvs ganixlios is proeqtebi, romlebic aris erT an orive siaSi.

6.2 qvemoT Camoyalibebuli ganxilvis kriteriumebis gamoyenebiT, sameTvalyureo sabWos, rogorc fondis saxeliT gadawyvetilebis miRebis erTaderT uflebamosil organos, SeuZlia miiRos an ar miiRos ganacxadi, moiTxovos eqspertTa Semdgomi Sefaseba, an ganacxadis xelmeored Semotana damatebiTi dokumentebiTa da/an SesworebebiT. komitetma aseve SesaZloa gadawyvitos proeqtis dafinanseba moTxovnilze ufro naklebi TanxiT. komitetis gadawyvetilebebi miiReba konsensusis safuZvelze.

6.3 sameTvalyureo komitetis mier saboloo arCevis Semdeg gaero-s mudmivi warmomadgeneli da humanitaruli koordinatori, romelic moqmedebs rogorc sameTvalyureo komitetis Tvamjdomare, moamzadebs Setyobinebis werilebs ganacxadis SemomtanTaTvis. werilebs ar daerTveba dabrunebuli proeqtebis an ganxilvis dokumentaciis aslebi.

6.4 hsso ar aris valdebuli, rom ganmcxadeblebs miawodos informacia maTi proeqtebis statusis Sesaxeb. ganacxadze saboloo gadawyvetilebis miRebamde axleburi midgomis monawile arc erT mxares ar aqvs ufleba gauwios daxmareba ganacxadis Semomtans. am gansakuTrebuli muxlisTvis, axleburi midgomis monawile mxareebSi igulisxmeba: hsso, saprezidento komisia da misi Sesabamisi nawilebi, sameTvalyureo sabWo da misi wevrebi, da axleburi midgomis yvela kontraqtori organizacia. Tu ganacxadis Semomtani moiTxovs daxmarebas proeqtis SedgenaSi zemoTxsenebul pirTagan, isini unda gaigzavnon im organizaciebSi, romlebic monawileoben adgilobrivi arasamTavrobo organizaciebis SesaZleblobebis ganviTarebis sferoSi.

7. ra moxdeba, Tu proeqti uaryofili iqneba?
7.1 SemoTavazebis uaryofa araviTar SemTxvevSi ar ganawyobs uaryofiTad sTuf-s Semdgomi raundisTvis wardgenili alternatiuli proeqtebis mimarT.

8. ra moxdeba, Tu ganmcxadebels proeqtis Tavidan Semotanas mosTxoven?
8.1 Tu sameTvalyureo komiteti CaTvlis, rom proeqti saintereso sakiTxs moicavs, Seesabameba sTuf-is daniSnulebas, arealsa da ganxilvis kriteriumebs, magram moiTxovs damatebiT damuSavebas, sameTvalyureo komiteti ganmcxadebels gadascems garkveul komentarebsa da winadadebebs proeqtis gasaumjobeseblad da damatebiTi dokumentaciiT misi Tavidan wardgenis moTxovnas. aseT SemTxvevaSi, proeqtis Sesaxeb saboloo gadawyvetilebis miReba gadaideba ganxilvis Semdomi raundisaTvis, romlis drosac ganacxadis pirvelsaxe, misi ganxilvis masalebi, Sesworebuli ganacxadi da komitetis mier moTxovnili nebismieri saxis damatebiTi doumentacia pirdapir gadaecema sameTvalyureo komitets. SemoTavazebis Tavidan wardgenis moTxovna araviTar SemTxvevaSi ar unda iqnes miRebuli rogorc valdebuleba sTuf-is an sameTvalyureo sabWos mxridan, rom moxdeba Sesworebuli SemoTavazebis sabolood arCeva.

9. ra moxdeba, Tu proeqts damatebiTi ganxilva sWirdeba?
9.1 im SemTxvevaSi, Tu sameTvalyureo sabWo miiRebs gadawyvetilebas proeqtis damatebiTi Sefasebis Sesaxeb, saboloo gadawyvetileba gadaideba proeqtebis ganxilvis Semdgom raundamde, romlisTvisac proeqti, misi Tanmxlebi dokumentebi pirveli raundidan da moTxovnili Sefasebis daskvnebiT miewodeba pirdapir sameTvalyureo sabWos.

10. ra moxdeba, Tu proeqts airCeven?
10.1 Tu sameTvalyureo komiteti airCevs proeqts, warmatebul ganmcxadebels daakavSireben msoflio bankis warmomadgenlobiT misiasTan. rogorc sTuf-is administratori, banki moamzadebs da ganmcxadebelTan dadebs sagranto xelSekurlebas. radganac sagranto xelSekruleba daideba msoflio bankTan, imoqmedebs misi wesebi da reglamenti, maT Soris misi wesebi Sesyidvasa da grantebis gauqmebis Sesaxeb. am xelSekrulebis momzadebis procesi savaraudod sami kvira gagrZeldeba.

10.2 xelSekrulebam, sxva sakiTxebTan erTad, detalurad unda aRweros proeqtis monitoringisa da misi ganxorcielebis Sesaxeb moxsenebis gakeTebis gegma. am SemTxvevaSi is daefuZneba proeqtis dasabuTebisa da progresis maCveneblebis Tavs. dafinansebuli saqmianobis xangrZlivobisa da xasiaTis gaTvaliswinebiT, Tanxebi angariSsworeba SeiZleba moxdes erT an met etapad. SesaZlebelia, aucilebeli iyos progresis Sesaxeb perioduli moxsenebebis momzadeba. aseT SemTxvevaSi, sameTvalyureo sabWo sakuTari Sexedulebisamebr gadawyvets, aris Tu ara am moxsenebebis miReba Tanxebis gadaricxvis poroba. mosalodnelia, rom proeqtebis umetesoba dafinansdeba erTi an maqsimum ori gadaricxviT.

10.3 warmatebuli ganmcxadeblis proeqtis ganxorcielebis mTeli periodis ganmavlobaSi hsso iqneba centraluri punqti axlebur midgomasa da sTuf-Tan dakavSirebul yvela sakiTxSi- gansakuTrebiT koordinaciasa da informaciis urTierTgacvlaSi, maT Soris sazogadoebisTvis informaciis miwodebaSi. xolo gaero-s ganviTarebis programa iqneba centraluri punqti yvela warmatebuli ganmcxadeblisTvis programis monitoringsa da moxsenebebis gakeTebasTan dakavSirebul yvela sakiTxSi.

11. ganxilvis kriteriumebi
11.1 yvela proeqti ganixileba qvemoT Camoyalibebuli kriteriumebis gaTvaliswinebiT. es kriteriumebi mxolod savaraudo standartia da ara aucilebeli.

11.2 proeqtebi ZiriTadad Sefasdeba imis gaTvaliswinebiT, Tu ramdenad arsebiTad da myarad gaaumjobeseben SemoTavazebuli programebi igp-Ta pirobebs maTi TviT-uzrunvelyofis donis gaZlierebaSi wvlilis SetaniT, da ramdenad ganaviTareben an gamoiyeneben axal strategiebsa da programebs, romlebsac aqvT SesaZlebloba miiRon didi masStabebi an miuTiTeben momavali did-masStabiani proeqtebis mimarTulebas. CaiTvleba, rom programa SeZlebs igp-Ta cxovrebis gaumjobesebas Tu SemoTavazebuli Zalisxmeva gegmavs:1. igp-Ta ganTavisuflebas aramdgradi daxmarebisgan; 2. igp-Ta piradi SesaZleblobebis gazrdas; 3. garemos Camoyalibebas, sadac igp-ebi SeZleben sakuTari unar-Cvevebis gamoyenebas; an 4. igp-Ta mier im uflebebze xelmisawvdomobis gazrdas, romelic aqvT saqarTvelos ara-gadaadgilebul moqalaqeebs.

11.3 proeqtebi aseve Sefasdeba (ix. punqti 4.2, 4.4 da 4.5) ZiriTadad imis gaTvaliswinebiT, Tu ramdenad mizanSewonili da Sesaferisia ganxorcielebisa da monitoringis SemoTavazebuli meTodebi (maT Soris monitoringisa da Sefasebis specifikuri komponentebi).

11.4 amasTan erTad, proeqtebis ganxilvisas gaTvaliswinebuli iqneba rigi damatebiTi, faqtorebi:

a. imis gaTvaliswinebiT, rom proeqtis ganxorcielebaSi CarTva xSir SemTxvevaSi dadebiTad moqmedebs TviT-uzrunvelyofaze, sazogadoebis mobilizacia da igp-Ta codna da/an monawileoba miiCneva SemoTavazebaSi Camoyalibebuli programebis dadebiT atributad. meore mxriv, ar iqneba gansakuTrebuli moTxovna Tana-dafinansebaze, an mTavrobis, igp-ebisa an sazogadoebis mxridan raime saxis kontribuciaze, samuSaos gawevis Tu masalebis miwodebis saxiT. Tumca is proeqtebi, romlebic kontribuciebsac iTvaliswineben, ganixileba metad dadebiTad.
b. vinaidan iZulebiT gadaadgilebul pirTa sirTuleebi erTmaneTTanaa gadajaWvuli, winadadebebs, romelnic moicavs ramdenime seqtors, an gulisxmobs TanamSromlobas sxva seqtorSi momuSave organizaciebis programebTan, dadebiTad iqneba Sefasebuli.

g. im programebis ganxilvisas, romlebic mimarTulia igp-Ta da maTi maspinZeli sazogadoebis dasaxmareblad, ar ganisazRvreba programiT gaTvaliswinebuli beneficiar igp-Ta raodenoba. aramed, programa Sefasdeba imis mixedviT, gaaumjobesebs Tu ara igi igp-Ta cxovrebas.

d. ar keTdeba raime gansakuTrebuli moTxovna mogebis gamomuSavebaze. Tumca, SemoTavazebebi, romlebic Seicavs mogebis gamomuSavebisa da mdgradobis gegmebs, ufro meti keTilganwyobiT ganixileba, vidre winadadebebi, romlebsac ar aqvT, magram SeiZleboda hqonodaT es elementebi.

e. ukve arsebuli programebis gameoreba CaiTvleba uaryofiT atributad, garda im SemTxvevisa, roca programis gameorebis aucileblobasa da ukve arsebul programasTan axlo TanamSromlobis damamtkicebeli sabuTebi iqneba warmodgenili.

11.5 proeqtebis ganxilvisas gaTvaliswinebuli iqneba rigi im faqtorebisa, romlebic ar aris programasTan dakavSirebuli. kerZod, Semowmdeba ganmcxadeblis da misi partnioris (misi arsebobis SemTxvevaSi) organizaciuli gamocdileba. ganmcxadeblisa da misi partnioris (misi arsebobis SemTxvevaSi) mier dasabuTebuli organizaciuli gamocdileba Rirsebad CaiTvleba ganacxadebis ganxilvix procesSi. sTuf-isTvis ganmcxadeblisa da misi partnioris (misi arsebobis SemTxvevaSi) organizaciuli gamocdilebis dasasabuTeblad, am ukanasknels unda SeeZlos qvemoT CamoTvlili Tvisebebis demonstrireba:

a. ganmcxadebeli aris iuridiulad Camoyalibebuli piri.
b. ganmcxadebels aqvs gamWvirvale da myari finansuri da sammarTvelo meqanizmi.
g. ganmcxadebels aqvs finansuri uangarobis istoria.
d. ganmcxadebels aqvs gamocdileba dagegmvaSi, ganxorcielebaSi, daxmarebasa da zedamxedvelobaSi.
e. ganmcxadebels aqvs sakmarisi xelmisawvdomoba teqnikur eqspertizaze.
v. gancxadebels aqvs iZulebiT gadaadgilebul pirebTan muSaobis gamocdileba.
z. ganmcxadebels aqvs saqarTveloSi muSaobis gamocdileba.

11.6 garda amisa, proeqtebis ganxilvisas ganmcxadebels Rirsebad CaiTvleba sxva organizaciebTan TanamSromlobis, miRweuli Sedegebisa da SeZenili praqtikis farTod gavrcelebis unaris dasabuTeba.

12. danarTi pirveli
12.1 sTuf-is arsi, romelic sialisTvis mxardaWeras gulisxmobs, gvkarnaxobs, rom ar gaesvas xazi im specifikur programebs, romelTac mxars dauWers fondi. magram igp-Ta Sesaxeb arsebuli informaciis mixedviT (rogorc es mocemulia axleburi midgomis Sefasebasa da sxva wyaroebSi) Carevis garkveul formebs SeiZleba hqondeT igp-Ta TviT-uzrunvelofis gamaumjobesebeli da maTi grZel-vadiani moTxovnilebebis damakmayofilebeli mniSvnelovani potenciali. es danarTi ganmcxadeblebisTvis detalurad warmoadgens im potencialuri iniciativebis tipebs, romlebic akmayofilebs sTuf-is miznebs.

igp-TaTvis alternatiuli mdgradi sacxovreblis uzrunvelyofa
12.2 kerZo sacxovreblebSi marto an maspinZel ojaxebTan erTad mcxovreb igp-ebs ukeTesi socialur-ekonomikuri pirobebi aqvT, vidre koleqtiur centrebSi mcxovreb igp-ebs. aseve aRmoCnda, rom kerZo sacxovreblebSi mcxovreb igp-ebs gaaCniaT saqarTvelos ekonomikaSi monawileobis ufro maRali done. Sesabamisad, tuff-is Carevis areali iTvaliswinebs sacdeli strategiebis Semcvel programebs, romlebic miznad isaxavs igp-Ta gadayvanas koleqtiuri centrebidan ufro Sesaferis, grZel-vadian sacxovrebel binebSi. aseTma sacdelma strategiebma SeiZleba moicvas erTi an mTeli rigi potenciurad ganaxlebadi formebi.

axali saxlebi
a. sacdeli strategia mosinjavs, Tu ramdenad mizanSewonlia igp-Ta daxmareba miwaze grZelvadiani xelmisawvdomobis uzrunvelyofiT, romelzec isini SeZleben patara saxlebis aSenebas. patara saxlis asaSeneblad saWiro samSeneblo masalebis standartuli kompleqti maT daurigdebaT programis farglebSi.

koleqtiuri centrebis binebad gardaqmna
b. im adgilebSi, sadac mcirea arsebuli sacxovrebeli farTi, sacdelma strategiam SeiZleba moiTxovos koleqtiuri centrebis igp-TaTvis dabali Rirebulebis mqone gasaqiravebel binebad gardaqmna. am tipis Careva moiTxovs koleqtiur centrebSi mosaxleobis amJamad arsebuli simWidrovis sakmaod maRali donis Sesamcirebeli gzis gamonaxvas. erT-erTi xerxi SeiZleba samSeneblo kompleqtebiT uzrunvelmyofel programasTan TanamSromloba gaxdes. amgvari saxis Careva aseve moiTxovs kreditisa da sesxis garantiis an jansaRi dasaqmebis sakiTxis CarTvas, an im sxva programebTan TanamSromlobas, romlebic iTvaliswinebs aseT daxmarebas.

Semosavlis mdgradi warmoebis ganaxlebadi SesaZleblobebis warmoCena da ganviTareba
12.3 cnobilia, rom igp-ebs naklebad miuwvdebaT xeli Semosavlis warmoebis SesaZleblobebze. miwisadmi xelmiuwvdomloba aris erT-erTi umTavresi dabrkoleba, romelsac awydebian igp-ebi TviT-uzrunvelyofis misaRwevad aucilebeli Semosavlis warmoebisas. Sesabamisad, tuff-is Carevis areali moicavs strategiebis gamomcdel im programebs, romlebic mimarTulia igp-TaTvis Semosavlis warmoebis SesaZleblobebis gazrdisaken, raTa gaZlierdes maTi TviT-uzrunvelyofa da, aqedan gamomdinare, Semcirdes maTi moTxovnileba samTavrobo subsidiebze. amgvarma sacdelma strategiebma SeiZleba siaxle Seitanos erT an rig ukve arsebul programebSi an gamoiyenos axali programebi.

profesiuli treningi
a. sacdelma strategiebma SeiZleba siaxle Seitanos programebSi, romlebic iTvaliswinebs igp-TaTvis treningebis Catarebas. es treningebi ganaaxlebs maT Zvel unar-Cvevebs da gaacnobs axals. amgvarad, arsebul sabazro ekonomikaSi monawileobis misaRebad maT ukeTesi SesaZleblobebi eqnebaT.

b. sacdeli strategia mosinjavs samuSao adgilebis povniT igp-Ta daxmarebis mizanSewonilobas. amgvari saxis programaSi SeiZleba iyos iseTi Tavisebureba, rogoricaa igp-saTvis gadasaxdeli xelfasis nawilis subsidireba sawyisi periodisTvis programis mier, rac damqiravebels Sromaze gaweul danaxarjebs Seumcirebs. aseTma midgomam momavali damqiraveblebi SeiZleba igp-Ta samuSaoze ayvanisaken waaqezos.

biznes treningi
g. sacdelma strategiebma SeiZleba siaxle Seitanos programebSi, romlebic iTvaliswinebs biznes treningebs igp-TaTvis, romelTac akliaT gamocdileba biznesSi, Tumca gaaCniaT biznes ideebi da aucilebeli profesiuli unar-Cvevebi. amgvarma programam SeiZleba mosinjos ukve arsebuli qarTveli an ucxoeli biznesmenebis sakonsultacio sistemis Camoyalibebis mizanSewoniloba.

biznesis inkubacia
d. sacdelma strategiebma SeiZleba siaxle Seitanos programebSi, romlebic iTvaliswinebs biznes ideebisa da Sesaferisi profesiuli unar-Cvevebis mqone igp-Ta daxmarebas biznesis sainkubacio centrebis meSveobiT. es centrebi maT SesTavazebs sxvadasxva momsaxurebas, rogoricaa saofise farTis mcire Rirebuleba da internetTan kavSiri. sainkubacio centrebma SeiZleba Seasrulos sakliringo saxlebis roli, romlebic momaval igp biznesmenebs miawodebs informacias adgilobriv ekonomikaSi arsebuli mdgomareobis Sesaxeb da urCevs im momxaxureobebs, romlebsac saWiroebs sazogadoeba. amgvarad gaizrdeba igp-ebis mier axlad dawyebuli biznesebis warmatebis Sansi. quTaissa da zugdidSi xsnis saerTaSoriso komiteti ukve warmatebiT axorcielebs biznesis inkubaciis programas, romelic dafinansebulia aSS-s saerTaSoriso ganviTarebis saagentos mier.

miwaze da sasoflo-sameurneo masalebze xelmisawvdomoba
e. sacdelma strategiebma SeiZleba siaxle Seitanos programebSi, romlebic iTvaliswinebs igp-Ta mier miwaze xelmisawvdomobis donis gazrdas saerTaSoriso an adgilobrivi arasamTavrobo organizaciebisa da igp-Ta jgufebis erT gundad gaerTianebiT, sadac arasamTavrobo organizaciebi, igp-Ta saxeliT, uzrunvelyofen miwaze grZelvadiani qiris xelmisawvdomobas. igp-Ta mier TviT-uzrunvelyofis donis gasazrdelad, Carevam unda moicvas programis iseTi komponentebi, romlebic iTvaliswinebs arasamTavrobo organizaciebis mier igp-Ta daxmarebas maTTvis aucilebeli iseTi sasoflo-sameurneo nedleuliT momaragebiT, rogoricaa sasuqi, Tesli da/an SemoRobisTvis aucilebeli masalebi. amgvari produqciiT daxmarebam SeiZleba miiRos grantis an sesxis forma. organizacia moZraoba SimSilis winaaRmdeg~ zugdidSi axorcielebs msgavs programas, romelic SeiZleba gamoyenebul iqnas magaliTad amgvari tipis programis SemuSavebisas.<br><br><b>sasoflo-sameurneo saganmanaTleblo momsaxureba</b><br> v. bevri igp afxazeTis soflis raionebidan muSaobda koleqtiur meurneobebSi. amgvarad, maTi unar-Cvevebi erTpirovnul meurneobas SeiZleba ar Seeferebodes. imis gaTvaliswinebiT, rom igp-ebma SeiZleba miwaze grZelvadiani xelmisawvdomoba moipovon, sacdelma strategiam SeiZleba mosinjos igp-Ta TviT-uzrunvelyofis gazrdis mizanSewoniloba treningebis Catarebis saSualebiT, romelic ganaaxlebs maT sameurneo unar-Cvevebs da gaacnobs meurneobasTan dakavSirebuli sabazro ekonomikis principebs.<br><br><b>igp-Ta izolaciisa da maT Soris informaciis naklebobis daZleva</b><br><b>12.4</b> saqarTvelos zog raionSi, kerZod, imereTsa da samegreloSi, ar aris im programebis nakleboba, romlebsac SeuZliaT igp-Ta TviT-uzrunvelyofis gaumjobeseba. miuxedavad amisa, zogierT koleqtiur centrSi mcxovrebma igp-ebma, rogorc Cans, araferi ician amgvari saqmianobis Sesaxeb. arsebuli programebis, SesaZleblobebisa da, Sesabamisad, momsaxureobis xarisxis gasaumjobeseblad da, amavdroulad, zogierT koleqtiur centrSi igp-Ta izolaciis donis Sesamcireblad, tuff-is mier mxardaWerili Carevis areali moicavs iseT programebs, romlebic miznad isaxavs igp-Ta mobilizacias, maTi sazogadoebrivi TviT-Segnebis gaZlierebas da arsebul programebTan dakavSirebas. aseTma sacdelma strategiebma SeiZleba siaxleebi Seitanos erT an rig ukve arsebul programebSi an gamoiyenos axali programebi.<br><br><b>sazogadoebrivi fasilitatorebi/ socialuri muSakebi</b><br> a. sacdeli strategia mosinjavs igp-Ta daxmarebis mizanSewonilobas, romelic iTvaliswinebs socialuri muSakebisa da sazogadoebrivi fasilitatorebis kadrebis ganviTarebas. TiToeuli socialuri muSaki SeiZleba dainiSnos erT koleqtiur centrSi, romelTanac is imuSavebs. isini ixelmZRvaneleben im principebiT, romlebic xazs usvams centrSi macxovrebelTa moTxovnilebebis dadgenas, ukve arsebuli Sesaferisi programebis amocnobas da igp-Ta CarTvas arsebul programebSi.<br><br><b>sazogadoebrivi liderebis treningi</b><br> b. sacdeli strategia mosinjavs igp-Ta daxmarebis mizanSewonilobas im axleburi programebis saSualebiT, romlebic mxars uWers koleqtiur centrebSi sazogadoebrivi liderebis SerCevasa da trenings. isini koleqtiur centrebSi mcxovrebT gaacnoben arsebul SesaZleblobebs; an SeimuSaveben iseT programebs, romlebic SeiZleba dafinansdes sTuf-is, aSS-s saerTaSoriso ganviTarebis saagentos sazogadoebis mobilizaciis iniciativis da sxva wyaroebis mier. am saxis Carevam unda gaiTvaliswinos sazogadoebrivi liderebisTvis xelfasis an stipendiis gamoyofa gaweuli momsaxurebisaTvis. es gansakuTrebiT SeexebaT qalebs, romlebic xSirad dganan maTi ojaxebisa da bavSvebisTvis saWiro Semosavlis uzrunvelyofis problemis winaSe. am xarjebs sawyis etapze gaiRebs programa, Tumca momavalSi maTi potenciuri dafarva unda moxdes sazogadoebrivi SenatanebiT, naRdi fulis an naturaluri formiT. am saxis Careva SeiZleba ganxorcieldes tandemSi an calke sazogadoebrivi fasilitatorebis programebTan erTad.<br><br><b>informaciis gavrcelebis kampania</b><br> g. miuxedavad igp-Ta Sesaxeb arsebuli mravalricxovani sainformacio biuletenisa, am publikaciebis ZiriTadi audiencia igp-Ta programebze momuSave saerTaSoriso da adgilobrivi organizaciebia. igp-Ta izolaciis Sesamcireblad da arsebuli momsaxurebebis metad gamosayeneblad, sacdeli strategia mosinjavs maTi daxmarebis mizanSewonilobas iseTi ganaxlebadi programebiT, romlebic mxars uWers koleqtiur centrebSi igp-ebze koncentrirebuli gazeTebisa da sainformacio biuletenebis ganviTarebas, gamocemasa da ufasod gavrcelebas. es publikaciebi Seqmnilia maTi uflebebis Semecnebisa da arsebuli momsaxurebebis Sesaxeb informaciis gasazrdelad. sacdelma strategiebma SeiZleba siaxle Seitanos programebSi, romlebic iTvaliswinebs igp-ebze koncentrirebuli im satelevizio da radio gadacemaTa ganviTarebasa da eTerSi gaSvebas, romlebic Seqmnilia maTi uflebebisa da arsebuli momsaxurebebis Sesaxeb informaciis gasazrdelad. am mimarTulebiT igp qalTa asociaciam da organizacia qronikonma~ ganaviTares igp-Ta mauwyebloba, romelic emsaxureba zugdids. igp-Ta mier mauwyeblobis xelmisawvdomobis uzrunvelsayofad rig centrebs gadaecaT radioebi. es programa SeiZleba gamoyenebul iqnes magaliTad am tipis programis SemuSavebisas.

socialuri kapitalis gaZliereba igp-Ta an igp/ maTi maspinZeli sazogadoebebis sazogadoebrivi ganviTarebis gziT
12.5 igp-ebi xSirad amJRavneben survils, monawileoba miiRon sakuTari moTxovnilebebis dadgenasa da maTi dasakmayofilebeli gzebis SemuSavebaSi. meore mxriv, igp-ebsa da maT maspinZel sazogadoebebs ar aqvT sakmarisi codna, raTa monawileoba miiRon proeqtis daprogramebaSi, romelic maTi moTxovnilebebis dakmayofilebaSi daexmarebaT. Sesabamisad, sTuf-is Careva iTvaliswinebs programebs, romlebic mosinjavs igp-Ta da maTi maspinZeli sazogadoebebis SesaZleblobebis gasaZliereblad mimarTul sacdel strategiebs da SeimuSavebs sazogadoebriv monawileobaze dafuZnebuli daxmarebis Sesaferis gzas. sacdelma strategiebma SeiZleba siaxle Seitanos komponentTa erTobaSi, romlebic xSirad Seadgens sazogadoebriv ganviTarebaze dafuZnebuli programebis nawils. aseTia magaliTad, treningisa da mikro-proeqtebis dafinansebis erToba.

saSuamavlo institutebis SesaZleblobebis ganmtkiceba
12.6 miuxedavad imisa, rom quTaisSi, Tbilissa da zugdidSi Camoyalibda efeqturi adgilobrivi arasamTavrobo organizaciebis Zlieri birTvi, maTi da adgilobrivi xelisuflebis SesaZleblobebis done jer kidev dabalia. SesaZleblobebis deficitma Seaferxa igp-ebisa da maTi maspinZeli sazogadoebebisTvis Sesabamisi momsaxurebis gaweva. amgvarad, Carevis sfero moicavs strategiebis gamomcdel im programebs, romlebic miznad isaxavs adgilobrivi arasamTavrobo organizaciebisa da xelisuflebis SesaZleblobebis gazrdas. ganaxlebadma sacdelma strategiebma adgilobrivi arasamTavrobo organizaciebi da xelisuflebis warmomadgenlebi SeiZleba CarTos iseT programebSi, romlebic miznad isaxavs igp-Ta statusisa da im programebis iuridiuli safuZvlis reformirebas, romlebic moicavs igp-ebTan dakavSirebul sakiTxebs (mag:mikro-finansebi). sacdelma strategiebma monawileobis miRebis donis, SemoTavazebaTa ganviTarebis, informaciis gavrcelebis kampaniisa da programis monitoringis Sesaxeb treningebis Catarebis gziT SeiZleba gazardos SesaZleblobebi. arsebobs ra ganviTarebaze orientirebuli iniciativebis didi raodenoba, romlebic `horizontis~, evraziis fondisa da Ria sazogadoeba- fond saqarTvelos mxardaWeriT wamoiwyes arasamTavrobo organizaciebma, treningebis mxardaWera SeizRudeba treningebis mxolod im tipebiT, romlebic gansxvavdeba ukve arsebulisagan.

United Nations Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator
gaerTianebuli erebis mudmivi da humanitaruli koordinatori
UN House, 9 Eristavi St., Tbilisi, Georgia. Tel/FAX: (995-32) 959-516. E-mail:
Tbilisi, erisTavis q. 9., tel/faqsi (995-32) 959-516,.