Humanitarian Response in Guinea-Bissau

Statement attributable to the USG for Humanitarian Affairs, Sergio Vieira de Mello
Following the outbreak of conflict in Guinea-Bissau on 7 June 1998, UN agencies and other partners were evacuated. The UN agencies resumed humanitarian operations on 24 June in close collaboration with local community groups and the local Red Cross Society. Based on the assessments carried out, the total number of IDPs is estimated at 350,000. Most of these IDPs are located in Bafata where the UN agencies have established a temporary base.

To date UN agencies and partners have dispatched convoys through Senegal and Guinea Conakry to deliver over 500 MT of food aid to Bafata for onward distribution, as well as, health supplies and agricultural inputs. Six drug kits have been delivered to health institutions in Bafata and the Bijagos Islands, with WHO intending to deliver a further 6.5 MT of health supplies in the coming weeks. FAO has delivered 54 MT of agricultural inputs while UNHCR will shortly deliver 150 MT of non-food and non-health items through Senegal. Additionally, the ICRC and the IFRC in close collaboration with Guinea-Bissau Red Cross and local communities have distributed over 500 MT of WFP food stored in Bissau city and Bafata to hospitals, vulnerable groups and IDPs.

A United Nations Interim Appeal of US$ 29 million was launched on 10 July in Geneva to address the humanitarian needs in Guinea-Bissau. To date only one pledge of 20 million Crowns - $3 million dollars from Sweden has been received.

The humanitarian community while appreciating the cooperation extended to them so far by the Governments of Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Guinea Conakry, hopes to continue to count on their support to address the needs of the victims of the conflict.