Statement by Sergio Vieira De Mello, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs on the situation in Guinea-Bissau

I am extremely concerned and disheartened over the resumption of fighting in Guinea-Bissau, and the collapse of the cease-fire which all parties have largely adhered for almost three months.
This renewed conflict is having a profound impact on the humanitarian situation in Guinea-Bissau. Many of the over 300,000 internally-displaced civilians who had begun to return to their homes in and around Bissau city are once again forced to seek refuge in the interior of the country. This is placing a heavy burden on the rural host communities, which have already exhausted most of their resources over the last four months in caring for the displaced. Furthermore, the fighting will most likely disrupt the harvest, which is currently underway.

I urge all parties to the conflict to respect international humanitarian law and principles and to ensure the safety and security of innocent civilians. I also appeal to them and to the neighbouring countries to facilitate the delivery of urgently-required humanitarian assistance to the vulnerable populations in Guinea-Bissau.