Impact of Liberia crisis on Guinea

In view of the ongoing combats between LURD and Government forces in Monrovia, OCHA and humanitarian partners in Conakry and in the field are currently monitoring the situation along the Guinea/Liberia border. It is anticipated that heavy fighting in Monrovia and related mass confusion could translate into disruption of the military chain of command with field commanders warring parties being more autonomous and less accountable. This is of particular importance to the humanitarian community in Guinea given that several strategic locations in northern Liberia bordering Guinea still are experiencing sporadic confrontations between LURD and loyalist troops. Under this scenario, one could see the formation of uncontrolled small fighting cells along the borders with widespread fightings that could lead to civilian influx into Guinea and possibly cross border incursions due to lack of food supplies in Liberia.
OCHA has recommended to humanitarian partners that monitoring be enhanced at the following border points: Tekoulo (Kissidougou region) and Macenta, Diéké and Thuo (Nzérékoré region) and is providing additional monitoring support to its field office by permanently deploying this week a secundee from the Danish Refugee Council and a National Field Officer.

It should also be noted that during the month of May, Guineans, Liberians and Ivorians continued to arrive at border posts in the Nzerekoré region. The prefecture of Lola alone registered an influx of 1,363 persons in May 2003 and UNHCR has registered a total of 2,201 refugees arriving in camps in May 2003.

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