(Port-au-Prince /New York, 19 October 2010): On a three-day mission to Haiti, United Nations Assistant-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs (ASG) and Deputy Emergency Coordinator Catherine Bragg yesterday visited camps for displaced people in the nation's capital.

Taking stock of the ongoing humanitarian response since the earthquake that struck the country on 12 January, Ms. Bragg went to Mais Gate and Tabarre Issa camps, where she was able to meet earthquake survivors, humanitarian aid workers, United Nations Police (UNPOL) and camp community organisations. Mais Gate Camp is a spontaneous camp hosting 1,500 families and Tabarre Issa Camp is an organized camp of 526 households, Ms. Bragg consulted with the members of the women's camp committee. She addressed in particular the issue of gender based violence (GBV). "We take this issue very seriously and want to make sure that the perpetrators will be held to account. We will continue to take measures such as installing more lighting in camps, providing specialist services to survivors of sexual violence while the increasing presence of peacekeepers to help discourage such acts", she stressed.

In response to women's committee representatives who explained how the lack of income opportunities increased women's vulnerability, she noted that the United Nations was working with the Government and donors to address broader issues such as recovery, job creation, and building of schools to help get people back on their feet again.

Today, Ms. Bragg is traveling outside Port-au-Prince to Léogane where she will meet with local authorities and visit an IDP camp.

For further information, please call:

Stephanie Bunker, OCHA-New York, +1 917 367 5126, mobile +1917 892 1679,; Emmanuelle Schneider +1 646 241 4651, mobile +1 646 752 3117,; Imogen Wall +509 3491 2244,; Elisabeth Byrs OCHA-Geneva, +41 22 917 2653, mobile, +41 79 4734570,

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