Haiti Emergency Situation Report No. 9 (As of 20 March 2024)


This report is produced by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Haiti in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the humanitarian situation in Port-au-Prince following the violence that broke out on 29 February. The report mainly covers the period from 18-20 March 2024.


  • The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has started distributing some 3,200 dignity kits to women and girls.

  • International and national NGOs operating in Haiti calls for safe, immediate, and unhindered access to the affected populations and are asking State actors to work urgently to restore order and put an end to the suffering of the population.

  • The United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) has transported 800 kg of blood pouches to support the health response.

242K Gallons of water distributed to displaced people since 29 February

+160K Hot meals distributed in Port-au-Prine since 29 February

800KG of blood bags transported since start of UN air transport service

$674M Amount of 2024 Humanitarian Appeal


In a statement on 19 March, the Cadre de Liaison Inter-Organisation (CLIO), an alliance of 80 national and international NGOs operating in Haiti, said the latest episodes of violence further compromised the humanitarian space, forcing some organizations to continue operating under precarious and risky security conditions. CLIO's national and international member organizations continue to respond to humanitarian needs as best they can to communities affected by the crisis in Port-au-Prince and across the country. The CLIO called on the authorities to tackle the root causes of the crisis; guarantee and protect the humanitarian space, strengthen coordination and capitalize on local resources.

The Health sector continues to pay a heavy price over the latest violence, as insecurity continues to disrupt operations and to hinder access to certain sites and patient referral to health facilities. The Sanatorium hospital for the care of tuberculosis in the commune of Port-au-Prince was looted over the weekend. From March 10 to 17, La Paix University Hospital received 94 victims, including 44 wounded by firearms, while Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) received 50, including 27 people wounded by firearms. Of the 84 IDP sites housing 86,040 people across Port-au-Prince, 23 sites with 37,000 IDPs between them are receiving support in surveillance, hygiene and sensitization activities from Ouest Department Health Directorate (DSO) officials and the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO). However, there is a noteworthy lack of health partners supporting health response in IDP sites. The Ministry of Public Health and Population announced the reopening of the State University Hospital, which had been closed since 29 February, for early April.