(Port au Prince, 4 November 2010): The Government of Haiti, humanitarian agencies and the UN stabilization mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) are stepping up preparedness efforts in response to tropical storm Tomas, based on a working projection that the storm could affect up to half a million people, particularly in the coastal areas of the country. With the ongoing earthquake and cholera outbreak response, the country is now facing three emergencies at the same time.

Since last Saturday, the government and the humanitarian leadership have worked together to activate contingency plans, mobilize stocks, and identify gaps and needs as tropical storm Tomas approaches. The government has encouraged the most at-risk populations in low-lying coastal areas and camps to seek alternative shelter, where possible, with families and friends.

The UN and its humanitarian partners have prepositioned emergency supplies and equipment, including trucks, water and sanitation materials, shelter, food and non-food items in the areas most likely to be hit by the storm. Additional shelter supplies are they on their way from across the region. A large scale public information campaign is under way in camps-warnings are being sent out to all in camps via SMS and radio under the leadership of the government so people are aware of the possible danger. All available stocks of tarpaulins and ropes are being used to help people in camps secure their shelters.

The trajectory of the storm keeps changing but the latest update indicates a high probability of severe flooding, especially in coastal areas but also throughout the country. "Even with the existing prepositioned stocks, the potential magnitude of this disaster urgently calls for additional emergency supplies and equipment" said UN Humanitarian Coordinator Nigel Fisher. "We are thankful to the US who have quickly responded to the Haitian request for support and are bringing an amphibious ship USS Iwo Jima to Haiti. This will considerably increase the logistical capacity for the response," said Mr. Fisher.

Priority needs identified include reinforced emergency shelter kits for 20,000 families, 80,000 family hygiene kits, 5,000 family water kits, 5 million sachets of oral rehydration salts (for treating cholera), water tankers, water bladders, water treatment units and 200 field tents to serve as emergency cholera treatment centres, as well as logistics equipment and radios to support ongoing public information about cholera and hurricane warnings.

"We are concerned that severe flooding will make a difficult situation in Haiti even more difficult," said Mr. Fisher. "Cholera is spread mainly through contaminated water--so more water poses more risks. The poor sanitary conditions in many parts of the country combined with flooding and polluted waters are very likely to accelerate the infection rate," said Mr. Fisher.

This storm could have a dramatic impact on the country," added Mr. Fisher. "We want to focus on social and economic recovery - that's the future for Haiti's people. But we are pulled back into emergency mode. We are calling on the international community to help us prepare as best as we can. Helping the government manage three emergencies at the same time is a huge challenge for aid agencies here. There is not a moment to waste."

For further information, please call: OCHA-Haiti: Imogen Wall, +509 3491 2244, wall@un.org; OCHA-New York: Stephanie Bunker, +1 917 367 5126, mobile +1 347 244 2106, bunker@un.org;

Nicholas Reader, +1 212 963 4961, mobile +1 646 752 3117, reader@un.org,

OCHA-Geneva: Elisabeth Byrs, +41 22 917 2653, mobile +41 79 473 4570, byrs@un.org

OCHA press releases are available at http://ochaonline.un.org or www.reliefweb.int