The Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti alerts on the crisis raging in Cite Soleil


(Port-au-Prince, 23 April 2023) The security and humanitarian situation in many areas of Cité Soleil, with a population of several hundred thousand, has reached alarming levels. Women and children are particularly vulnerable to gang brutality.

Between 14 and 19 April 2023, clashes between rival gangs led to the death of nearly 70 people among the population. About 40 were injured by bullets or stabbed. Among these victims, 18 women were killed and 12 injured, and at least two minors lost their lives.

These clashes are also depriving the population of their freedom of movement and access to essential goods and services, and have resulted in the closure of many schools and health centers in the area.

“Fighting is raging in Cité Soleil. The situation in Brooklyn, for example, is dramatic. The population feels under siege. They can no longer leave their homes for fear of gun violence and gang terror”, said the Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti, Ulrika Richardson.

In addition to armed violence, the population in Cité Soleil suffers from high levels of food insecurity and is one of the epicenters of the latest cholera outbreak. The torrential rains of the last few weeks have worsened the sanitary and living conditions in the neighborhood. Located by the seaside, at the downstream of the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area, Cité Soleil is inundated by the capital’s waste. As a result, the garbage is completely blocking access to Brooklyn. No vehicle, including water truck, can access it. The situation is conducive to a resurgence of the cholera epidemic and the spread of other epidemics.

The Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti reiterates the imperative of unimpeded passage of humanitarian aid to those in need, as well as the protection and respect of health, education, humanitarian and critical personnel and infrastructure, including for water supply. People must be able to safely access basic services, commodities and humanitarian assistance. Above all, they must be able to live in safety and dignity.

For more information, please contact :
Alexandra de Sousa, Head of Office,
Alexandra Bonvalot, Chargée de communication a.i.,
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