The Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti expresses deep concern over the worrying increase in acts of violence against health, education and humanitarian staff in Haiti


(Port-au-Prince, April 6, 2023) The attack on a doctor, on the night of 5-6 April, is the latest in a long sequence of acts of violence against health, education and humanitarian workers and their assets in Haiti since the beginning of the year. He was kidnapped, shot and injured, and then released.

According to the Haitian Medical Association, at least 20 doctors were kidnapped in 2022, and 11 others in the first quarter of 2023 alone.

The Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti, Ulrika Richardson, strongly condemns this latest kidnapping, which is emblematic of the violence that reigns across the country, and more particularly in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince. "Respect for medical, educational and humanitarian staff is essential and any attacks on them violate the minimum humanitarian standards that all persons must respect." The Humanitarian Coordinator calls on all actors to immediately cease all forms of violence.

For further information, please contact :
Alexandra de Sousa, Head of Office a.i.,
Alexandra Bonvalot, Head of the communication unit a.i.,
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