Thousands of civilians in Port-au-Prince trapped by recent violence


Port-au-Prince, 6 March 2024 - Since 29 February, violence caused by armed gangs in Port-au- Prince has led to the displacement of thousands of civilians and made access to basic social services extremely difficult, further exacerbating an already precarious daily life.

More than 15,000 people, the majority of whom were already displaced, have been displaced again in recent days. Most have found refuge in existing sites, while the rest are settling in new sites created spontaneously. Access to food, healthcare, water and hygiene facilities, and psychological support are among the most urgent needs. These families have no other way of meeting their basic needs. Humanitarian actors have begun to deliver emergency aid, but the persistence and expansion of the violence has severely disrupted operations.

"The recent violence continues to leave thousands of families in mourning and traumatised, notably children and women, plunging them into deep distress. Thousands of people now find themselves unprotected, unsafe and exposed to all types of risks. Displaced people and vulnerable populations need emergency aid and safe, protected spaces. Humanitarian organisations are ready to provide emergency aid immediately", Humanitarian Coordinator Ulrika Richardson said. "This violence cannot continue, it must stop.

Humanitarian organizations are deeply concerned about the impact of the violence on hospitals, health centres and schools in Port-au-Prince and some other towns. Many health facilities are closed or have drastically reduced their operations due to a worrying shortage of medicines and the absence of medical staff—to date, only one major facility in Port-au-Prince is operational; hundreds of schools are closed or operating irregularly.

"Haiti is facing a complex humanitarian and protection crisis. Every time violence breaks out, thousands of people fall into precarious situations and need emergency aid. Humanitarian organisations need unhindered access to the most vulnerable populations. Beyond humanitarian aid, Haiti needs greater international solidarity at this crucial time", said Ms. Richardson.

For more information, please contact:
Abdoulaye Sawadogo, Head of Office, OCHA-Haïti,, +50937025580
Yvon Edoumou, Head of Public Information and Advocacy,, +50937021757 / @UNOCHAHaiti
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