UN humanitarian chief to visit the Republic of Haiti and the Republic of Panama from 3 to 5 July [EN/ES/FR]


WHO: Mark Lowcock, Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) and Under-Secretary-General (USG) for Humanitarian Affairs
WHAT: Mission to Haiti and Panama
WHEN: 3-5 July 2018
WHERE: Port-au-Prince, Fort Liberté, Ouanaminthe, and Panama City

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock will visit the Republic of Haiti and the Republic of Panama from 3 to 5 July.

With Haitians recovering from consecutive natural disasters, including an earthquake, hurricanes, floods and drought, humanitarian needs in Haiti remain high.

Mr. Lowcock will be in Haiti from 3 to 4 July and is expected to meet with Government officials and humanitarian partners, and travel to Nord-Est to meet with people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection. He is calling for increased international support for the Government-led emergency preparedness efforts for sudden onset disasters, as well as the ongoing response to food insecurity and cholera, and activities to ensure the humanitarian and protection needs of the most vulnerable people in the country.

He is also advocating for longer-term development engagement to address underlying drivers of humanitarian needs so that people affected by natural disasters are better able to cope, recover and adapt to shocks.

In Panama, the USG/ERC is expected to meet with the Government and regional development and humanitarian partners, and reiterate support for regional preparedness efforts for sudden onset disasters, as well as principled humanitarian support where required.

For further details, please contact:
In Haiti: Adepero Oladeinde, +509 3702 5180, oladeinde@un.org
Alix Nijimbere, +509 3702 5790, nijimbere@un.org
In New York: Russell Geekie, +1 917 331 0393, geekie@un.org
In Geneva: Vanessa Huguenin, +41 79 444 4065, huguenin@un.org