OCHA responds to floods in Indonesia

(New York, 4 November 2003): The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has deployed a two-person team to Langkat district, North Sumatra. The team will help local authorities coordinate emergency response, assess needs, and plan assistance in response to the flash floods that hit the area on Sunday night-Monday morning.

The floods hit Bukit Lawang resort in Bahorok sub-district, Langkat district, North Sumatra. Heavy rains and severe deforestation triggered the floods. Bahorok River, which flows down from nearby mountains, and smaller rivers, burst their banks and washed away residential areas and dozens of guesthouses that host tourists in the area, well known as an orangutan rehabilitation center.

North Sumatran officials today put the number of dead at 74, injured at 100, and missing at 200. The number of fatalities is expected to increase as a rescue team assisted by hundreds of local police, government officials, and villagers have been searching for missing people.

In addition, some 400 houses, 5 tourist cottages, 3 mosques, and 8 bridges were destroyed or damaged when floodwaters, mud, trees and other debris hit the area. Hundreds of people living along the river have been evacuated to safer areas in mosques and other public facilities.

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and the government are providing assistance-ambulances, staff, a public kitchen, food and other supplies. A medical team from International Medical Corps went to the location today to assess the situation and identify required assistance. The team also brought first aid kits and medical supplies. Another team from Mercy Corps will travel to the area tomorrow to assess the situation and identify what assistance may be required.

For further information, please contact

Ms. Elizabeth Byrs, OCHA Geneva, 41-22-917 26 53
Ms. Stephanie Bunker, OCHA NY, 917 367 5126