Under-Secretary-General focuses on early warning and equity issues as he departs for Pakistan

(Colombo, Sri Lanka 12 October): The United Nations Under-Secretary-General (USG) for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) Jan Egeland reiterated the need for early warning to avoid the spiralling numbers of dead and wounded experienced in recent disasters.

Speaking at a press conference in Colombo after a two day mission to Sri Lanka, Mr. Egeland said: "Too many vulnerable people live too exposed in a world full of natural disasters. Too many died in the Indian Ocean tsunami because there was no early warning system. Too many died in northern Pakistan because housing structures were wrong, schools were death traps that collapsed killing all those inside," he said today on the UN International Day for Disaster Reduction.

"Everybody has a right to an early warning system against natural hazards," he added referring to the International Programme of Action agreed in Japan for disaster resistant public buildings within the next ten years.

On Sri Lanka he commended all actors on the progress achieved especially the construction of some 55,000 transitional shelters adding that it was "a remarkable endeavour".

However, he warned that the "jury is still out on how we are performing to build permanent houses and to rebuild infrastructure, societies and livelihoods".

Referring to his visit to Batticaloa today he said many were disappointed that they do not have a permanent house as the monsoon season approaches. "We cannot face another monsoon in 12 months without the majority of people being under permanent roof," Mr. Egeland said. One of the positive developments he noted was the recent decision regarding more flexibility in exercising the buffer zone which he said had delayed permanent housing.

He said he could "foresee a great injection now of the vitality and resources into making permanent housing for all of the displaced." He also urged for greater equity toward the conflict induced internally displaced. "It would be wrong if next year we create very fine permanent shelter for tsunami displaced while the conflict displaced are still living in sub standard conditions.

"There must be equity because we are all the same human race."

Responding to a question concerning the upcoming presidential elections, Mr Egeland stressed the need for administrative continuity regardless of the outcome to ensure continuity "in the middle of this massive reconstruction effort".

He also emphasised the importance of progress in a peace process for future success. He hoped that the same process that had occurred in Aceh could be repeated in Sri Lanka.

He appealed for greater coordination in the coming months of all local, national and international actors to coordinate with the United Nations and the national and local governments.

During his visit Mr Egeland held meetings with Mahinda Rajapaksa, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka; Sarath Amunugama, Minister of Finance and Planning; Tilak Ranavirajah, Chairman of the Task Force for Relief (TAFOR); and Rohini Nanayakkara, Chief Executive Officer of the Task Force for Rebuilding the Nation (TAFREN). He also met with the top advisor of the opposition presidential candidate, Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Mr. Egeland also met with the Global Consortium on Tsunami Recovery, including representatives from United Nations agencies, international financial institutions, Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (CHA) - which represents non-governmental organizations in Sri Lanka; and the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC). Meetings were held with international and national NGOs and civil society, as well as several informal meetings with the United Nations Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator, Miguel Bermeo, and his team.


Orla Clinton
Media Officer, OCHA
Tel: 4528689
Mobile: 0773207505
Email: clinton@un.org

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