Minutes of NGO coordination meeting on Iraq 13 May 2003

Chaired by Ian Purves, SHAO, OCHA
1. Security

Security on Baghdad Highway: HACC-West reported that the Baghdad highway, in particular, the Ramadi-Baghdad section is still insecure due to continued banditry and robberies. The coalition is maintaining a higher presence, with observation planes periodically watching over the highway. The coalition positioned some troops along the Ramadi-Baghdad road, however, full safety in the area cannot be guaranteed. The recommended route is the southern route through Karbala. NGOs were advised to ensure that their recruited drivers take this particular route. As for coalition checkpoints, there are no permanent checkpoints along the highway, as a rotating system is functioning.

The general security situation in Iraq is improving. However, criminal elements in Baghdad are getting more organised and stronger. Robberies and car hijackings continue in the city. NGOs can contact CIMA located in the Republican Palace in Baghdad (CIMA contact details can be obtained in the HOC Kuwait).

NGOs were asked to provide the HACC-West with any security-related information, which will be then shared with the wider NGO community. HACC briefings will be available on the HIC website soon. NGOs interested in more detailed security updates can attend the HACC-West briefings at the US Embassy (the upcoming one is on 14 May, at 1300)

Security Incidents: OCHA reported two incidents involving NGO staff. One of the two vehicles carrying assessment team of three ACT member relief agencies, had become separated, diverted off the main road and robbed by an armed group on the road between Ar Ramadi and Hit, 180 km west of Baghdad. No one was hurt. The other incident involved staff members of the KFHI who were robbed along the Baghdad highway.

Since the threat of criminal type may remain for some time, NGOs were again advised to consider putting in place convoy procedures and travel in larger convoys (for example, on the Baghdad highway, UN will travel in convoys of a minimum of four vehicles). As almost all cases happened when a vehicle got separated from a convoy, good communication is vital between vehicles. Several other tips include: give drivers some break before crossing more dangerous sections of the long and exhausting highway, travel in daytime, and give serious consideration when recruiting drivers.

The importance of reporting security incidents cannot be understated, from the perspective of helping to protect other organisations or for providing information that can be collated and used in advocacy with the coalition forces. While it is recognised that some incidents will carry a higher degree of sensitivity, for the victims especially, the complete suppression of such information is not generally helpful and often leads to rumours. It is requested, therefore, that all security incidents be reported so that a more comprehensive picture can be developed of the overall situation in Iraq. It is understood, however, that particularly sensitive details will be omitted.

CARE issued a media release on 12 May stating that the security situation in Baghdad is causing concern and hampering humanitarian operations in the city. CARE has had three cars hijacked last Friday and Saturday. Last Sunday, armed people attacked the NGO's warehouse and the office. In the first incident, one of the guards was injured.

UNSECOORD has upgraded Hilla, the Baghdad-Amman highway, and the Hilla-Nassriyah-Basrah Highway to Phase 4. Baghdad has also been upgraded to Phase 4. However, restrictions have been imposed on movement of UN staff to certain areas of the city.

Mortars and an unexploded 'bomblet' were discovered in the UN compound in Basrah and on the roof of a building next door respectively. The coalition diffused both explosives. NGOs were advised to ensure building screening for mines and UXOs.

2. Update on Iraq

North: The UN North team is now well reestablished in the three northern governorates with 200 international staff..

Centre: Preparations for the return of UN Centre team to Mosul continue with the third successful security assessment mission on 10 May. The main airport should be operational in about two weeks. WFP will start food distributions on 12 May initially to hospitals and institutions, and then to other beneficiaries eventually reaching 2.4 million pre-war caseload. A UN humanitarian assessment mission to Kirkuk found that there is no humanitarian emergency. However, there is a reported shortage of medicine for chronic diseases and vaccines, and the sanitation situation is of considerable concern. The security situation is volatile with lawlessness and gun possession still a concern. There is some potential for ethnic confrontation most likely between Kurds and Turkmen.

Baghdad: The UN Baghdad team is located in the Canal hotel. The second wave of UN staff is expected to arrive in Baghdad on 14 and 15 May. The coalition would provide security for seven warehouses in the city.

Upper South: The UN Upper South team is expected to move to Al Hillah within next couple of days.

Lower South: 18 confirmed cholera cases were reported in Basra on 12 May.

3. NGO Coordination

UNOHCI reports that currently 81 NGOs are present in Iraq, majority of them in Baghdad (38 NGOs). NGO Coordination Committee in Iraq (NCCI) holds daily meetings in Baghdad, and plans to expand activities in other areas of the country. The UN is looking to facilitate activities and provide support to the NCCI.

The UN NGO Liaison Officer provides daily 9:30am briefings at the regular UN meetings in Larnaca (ICRC also attends these daily meetings). NGOs are requested to submit information on their activities in Iraq and concerns to Kirsten Zaat (zaat@un.org) by COB the day before each morning meeting. Also, she is ready to discuss bilaterally any matters NGOs wish to raise with individual UN agencies.

In response to NGO concerns on security, UNOHCI has offered to advocate on behalf of NGOs on security issues to the occupying powers and asked NGO Platforms to prepare a demarche for the Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq to undertake with the occupying powers.

OCHA Iran is seeking advise on the best locations in which to undertake cross-border assessments from Iran to the governorates of Wassit and Diyala.

4. Update on Cross-border Issues

UNJLC assessment mission: Following the last week's technical assessment of the one of the two damaged bridges on the highway to Baghdad, the UNJLC team including engineers and contractor went to Iraq today to assess the second bridge. The damaged bridges need quick repair before the rains start in October when any by-pass routes will not be usable.

Flights: AirServ humanitarian cargo was put on hold on 12 May following the Jordanian government's requirement for an approval from the UN sanctions committee.

The issue of the UN insurance waiver has been resolved, and UNHAS are now making flights to Iraq. The governments of Belgium and Canada have made available aircraft to the UN (one and three respectively). Two passenger flights to Erbil and Baghdad are scheduled on 14 May, and cargo flights to Basra on 15 and 16 May. UN flights are available for UN agencies and their implementing partners.

Visas: HOC Kuwait will no longer process visa applications on behalf of the humanitarian community. Applicants should obtain visas in their home countries.

As for Iraqi visas required by the Jordanian authorities for crossing the Jordanian-Iraqi border, the UN is awaiting an official clarification following its letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

5. AOB / Announcements

The HIC will be giving two training sessions on GPS and RAP for new NGOs on 14 May in the UNDP conference room from 9:45-11:30 and from 14:00-16:00 respectively.

The HIC encouraged NGOs to provide inputs for the Who Does What Where database.

JNEPI provides services to NGO community such as facilitating information flow among the NGO community. NGOs willing a wider dissemination of their reports, assessments, or any other relevant information can contact JNEPI, email: info@jnepi.org.jo.

OCHA has provided the NGO community with the UNOHCI contact details in Iraq.

The UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator will be traveling to Baghdad and Basra from Amman on 16 May.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 20 May, at 1245 in the UNDP conference room.