Minutes of NGO coordination meeting on Iraq 17 Jun 2003

Chaired by Knarik Kamalyan, HAO, OCHA
1. Update on Cross-border Issues

Border crossing: A UNJLC mission that went to the Jordan-Iraq border crossing point at Al Karama last week reported delays on the westbound route into Jordan with a 5 km long queue. The main causes of the delays were identified to be the lack of a humanitarian lane into Jordan (there is one into Iraq) and 'petrol inspection'. Further, despite the earlier agreement with the Jordanian authorities the border is not open 24 hours a day. Following the mission, UNJLC facilitated a meeting between concerned parties and gained an agreement that the border will be operating 24 hours, the customs office will be strengthened with additional manpower, and a humanitarian lane for westbound traffic will be established by Jordanian authorities. A UNJLC liaison officer is now present at the border with the view to ensure smooth flow of humanitarian traffic through the border. In addition, three WFP staff are placed on the Iraqi side of the border to direct UN humanitarian traffic into the humanitarian lane once established. NGOs might consider making similar arrangements for NGO humanitarian traffic. At present, the traffic is flowing smoothly with no queue on either side of the border. Given the imminent transfer of responsibilities over to Iraqis, a new procedure may be introduced. This will be communicated to NGOs when available.

Road access: According to initial information received by UNJLC, Ar-Ramadi bridge, an overpass over highway 10, located approximately 174 km west of Baghdad has collapsed. Further information provided by HACC-West suggested that the bridge was demolished. Reportedly, six lanes in the area are open. As for the Al-Rutbah bridge, Bechtel continues working on detour routes to the north and south of the bridge.

Flights: Humanitarian flights that were suspended on the eve of 10 June due to the closure of Baghdad airport were resumed on 11 June.

Baghdad airport will open a new passenger terminal within a week, which will improve both passenger flow and aircraft handling. The airport is expected to be open to commercial traffic in July.

OCPA informed that a new procedure has been established, and now all humanitarian agencies should submit their requests through Iraq Assistance Centre. For cargo, requests should include a proposal to be vetted by OCPA ministerial personnel. Pre-approval of recurring flights will be granted by OCPA.

OCPA in Mosul reported that another airport located 40km south of Mosul will soon become operational and will be capable of handling C130 and IL76 aircraft.

AirServ continues flights to several destinations in Iraq from Amman and Kuwait, and plans to open an office in Baghdad if the security situation allows. Possibilities are being explored to establish a maintenance base in Erbil airport, as overnight stay is not allowed in Baghdad airport. Getting a landing permission for Basra airport remains an issue. AirServ contact person is Andre Robert, tel: 079 6941365, email: arobert@airserv.org.

MSF-B noted that although the UN SC lifted sanctions on Iraq, apparently a UN approval is still required for flights.

2. Security

General: The general security situation remains tense, with a significant increase in attacks against the coalition forces particularly in the regions north and west of Baghdad. The attacks stimulated a launch of massive US military operations in the area. Several factors can be singled out to explain the resurgence of hostile activity against the coalition forces such as resentment over the occupation, frustration over poor living conditions and lack of security, and the postponement of forming an interim Iraqi government by holding a national conference.

The deadline to hand in heavy weapons under an amnesty provision has been extended by one more week. Reports say that only a small quantity of weapons was surrendered. They included a few hundred automatic weapons, 230 grenades and other explosive devices, 120 anti-tank weapons, and 10 anti-aircraft weapons.

North: The situation is reported calm.

Centre: Despite extensive raids conducted by the coalition forces in the Tikrit-Balad area (384 Iraqis reported as being detained), the rate of attacks remains high particularly along the highway 1 (Baghdad-Mosul).

On 12 June, former Iraqi military personnel in Mosul demonstrated against the local administration and OCPA. Two civilian casualties and several injuries were registered. Other clashes occurred on 13 June. Reportedly further attacks are in preparation around Mosul. The coalition is maintaining a heavy presence.

Baghdad: The attacks against the coalition are mainly concentrated in the city centre and the area surrounding the airport. A trend to attack the coalition forces with remote controlled improved explosive devices or landmines set on main roads into Baghdad has been observed. This poses a great threat to humanitarian workers as well.

According to reports, leaflets encouraging Iraqis to armed resistance and offering rewards for coalition killings are being distributed in Baghdad.

To the west of Baghdad, organised attacks against the coalition continue on highway 10 in the Ramadi-Fallujah area. Safety on the highway 10 in this area remains an issue -- there are reports of criminal armed attacks on the 50km section of the highway near Ramadi.

High rate of criminality reported in the urban area of Fallujah especially at night. Reportedly, one NGO and a diplomatic envoy have been attacked and looted in the vicinity of Fallujah.

Upper South: Around Al Hillah, the situation is relatively calm with only sporadic shooting incidents at night.

Carjacking has been reported in the areas surrounding Diwaniya.

Lower South: The situation remains volatile with high level of criminality.

On 15 June, about 3,500 demonstrators, including all political parties and religious leaders gathered in front of the coalition headquarters in Basrah to protest the occupation of their country and to demand the election of an Iraqi Governor. Banners demanded the departure of the occupation forces and all foreign agencies. The demonstrators handed a list of demands to OCPA before being dispersed by force. Two demonstrators were injured.

3. Update on UN Iraq

UNOHCI Upper South team has been deployed to Baghdad, awaiting finalisation of the office site in Al Hillah and its rehabilitation. The team is traveling regularly between Baghdad and Al Hillah. While in Baghdad, they can be reached at the Canal Hotel. Contact details are available on HIC website: http://www.agoodplacetostart.org.

4. NGO Coordination

UNOHCI has identified a lead agency in the sectors of health, education, watsan, nutrition, mine action, HR, child protection, IDP protection, food, agriculture, fuel and energy, shelter. Meetings are being held regularly. NGOs are encouraged to contact sector coordinators and participate in the working groups. Contact details of sector coordinators are available on the HIC website.

A Civil-Military Liaison Officer and Civil-Military Coordination Officers have been appointed to each of the 5 Area Coordination offices to serve as an information channel between military/security forces and humanitarian actors. In partnership with the NGO Liaison Officer and NGO focal points, they will advocate on NGO issues with relevant military systems (contact details are on HIC website).


OCPA is planning to establish full national border control/immigration/passports/customs services to handle refugee return process. On the issue of property claim/compensation, OCPA indicated that IOM has been selected to collect property claims. OCPA intends to involve international organisations and NGOs in the discussions for the set up of a national adjudication process.

6. AOB / Announcements

The second Upper South/South Central NGO meeting for organisations operational in Babil governorate will take place in Al Hillah, on Wednesday 18 June at 0900. The Babil Governorate Support Team will host the meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 24 June, at 1245 in the UNDP conference room.