Statement on Al Jazeera mis-quotation of UNOCHA report [EN/AR]


ERBIL, 5 December 2016 – Regarding an Al Jazeera report today that misquoted OCHA as calling on Iraqi Security Forces to establish humanitarian corridors in Mosul and warning of an impending halt to humanitarian assistance for a million people in and around the city, OCHA would like to underscore that it has not made any such statements. Al Jazeera has agreed to correct its story.

Per our most recent Situation Report of 29 November:

• “Supplies of food and potable water are dwindling in eastern Mosul city. Civilians close to the front lines face the threat of ISIL snipers, leading to rising casualties. As many as one million people are estimated to remain out of reach.”

• “As military operations intensify in Mosul city, security forces are committed to protecting civilians under the Humanitarian Concept of Operations, including identifying escape routes when it is deemed safe to do so. The Government, United Nations and partners are working to reach all people in need as soon as humanitarian access opens up.”


For further information, please contact:
Karim Elkorany, Office of the DSRSG/RC/HC for Iraq ( / +964 790 193 1292)