UN launches US$2.2 billion appeal for Iraq [EN/AR/KU]


(Baghdad, 23 October 2014): The United Nations has launched a USD $2.2 billion appeal to address the protection and humanitarian needs of 5.2 million people in conflict-affected Iraq.

“The needs of the Iraqi people are immense,” Neill Wright, acting Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, said in Baghdad. “It’s imperative we step up our efforts.”

The third revision of the Strategic Response Plan (SRP) of the UN and NGO humanitarian community aims to continue its support of the Government of Iraq in effectively addressing the humanitarian and protection needs of 5.2 million Iraqis across the country through 2015.

Included in this are 1.8 million displaced since January 2014, 1.5 million within communities hosting many of the displaced, and 1.7 million living in conflict areas outside Government control. An estimated 2.8 million people are in need of food assistance and approximately 800,000 people are in urgent need of emergency shelter assistance.

Throughout Iraq, 1.26 million people are in need of some form of winterisation assistance. The provision of winterisation packages, warm clothes, shoes, health services and food are all critical requirements.

The multi-sectorial plan was produced by more than 45 humanitarian organizations, including UN agencies, international and national NGOs operating in Iraq, and covers the provision of assistance in non-food items/shelter, protection, health, food, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), education, and logistics until the end of December 2015.

To date, more than USD 600 million has been contributed to the 2014 -2015 Iraq SRP, including a major contribution by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in July. The remaining USD 1.6 billion needed is required for activities over the next 15 months, but early contributions are essential with the onset of winter.

“Although much has been done, much more is needed in the coming weeks to prevent additional, unnecessary suffering for many Iraqis,” Wright said. “This effort requires all of us – the UN, nongovernmental organisations, civil society and the private sector – to work together. All of us have a role to play.”