OPT: Table of activities of international agencies in support of UNRWA in Jenin

Delivery type & quantity
Co-ordination OCHA-UNDAC 6 staff Two members of the UNDAC team returned to Jerusalem on 27 April.
Relief Activities Palestinian Red Crescent Society
De-mining IFRC 2 experts Experts withdrew.
De-mining Norwegian Peoples Aid 2 experts Returned 23 April.
De-miming Russian EmerCom Advance team of 1 person May get full team and equipment once assessment is completed.
De-mining UNMAS Team of 2 Expert arriving on 29 April to assist with IED’s. An UN Explosives Advisory Center operates as from 29 April
De-mining Swedish Rescue Service Agency Team of 3 Available for three days only (departing on 1 May). Cleaned and secured the compound where UXO’s were collected.
Safety and de-mining French Civil Defence Team of 8 CD Officers and 2 Red Cross - total of 10 Facilitate and co-ordinate safety of community during extraction of UXO’s.
Palestinian Police assisting as from 27 April.
Safety and de-mining Palestinian Civil Defence and Security Team of 2 CD Officers Working with French CD Team to facilitate and co-ordinate safety of community during extraction of UXO’s
Palestinian Police assisting as from 27 April.
Search/Rescue Rapid UK 12 experts Ended mission - returned 23 April
A report on their findings has been made available and is on file in the OSOCC.
Dangerous structures Norwegian Red X 2 persons Mission returned 24 April.
Dangerous structures Swiss Humanitarian Aid One team Mission returned.
Dangerous structures German Technical Relief 2 structural engineers operational as from 28 April Inspection of damaged houses, follow up on the work carried out by the Norwegian Red Cross. Will assist/coordinate with construction work
Humanitarian and research Arab American University
Started on 23 April with team of 20 to 25 people Mediation and translation service in community, 20-25 students speaking English, French, German, Hebrew and Arabic to facilitate with foreign organisations and community. Next step will be to provide Counseling (psycho-social)
Public and mine awareness
French MOI 3 persons Ongoing
Public and mine awareness
French Red X 10 persons Ongoing in cooperation with UNICEF
Humanitarian CARE Office with 6 staff Assisting municipality with utilities.
As from 13 April also involved with health, medical supplies, water and shelter.
Water supply to camp in place, also started solid waste collection on 28 April.
Public Health Save the Children Solid waste collection, worker salaries The project will provide 60 small and 20 large collection containers and about 3 weeks salary,
Upcoming Sterling 120,000 for Municipal Capacity Building for Jenin, Turk and Nablus.
Convoy management Swedish Rescue Services 2 persons Assessment completed - bigger team will be arriving if necessary.
Legal aspects Association France Palestine Solidarite 2 persons Will proceed after initial assessment is completed.
Law and order, safety Palestinian Police 10 Officers operational as from 27 April in camp Working with Palestinian and French Civil Defence teams in creating mine awareness and public safety, crowd control.
Awareness, public information ICRC/PRCS 3 officers Engaged in mine awareness, tracing of missing persons and securing access for the supply of medicine. Ten persons of the Palestinian Red Cross have been trained and they are now looking into sustainability. Working closely with Department of Education, schools, parent committees and volunteers.
Public awareness and mine awareness UNICEF 2 officers Ongoing. Searched Jenin Basic Boys School.
Vaccines and chlorine tablets have arrived and have been distributed by UNICEF. Mine awareness posters have been developed and distributed.
UNICEF appointed 10 people to do house to house visits informing people about health issues, explosives and how to deal with them, dangerous buildings.
UNICEF also located 46 sites where UXO’s were found. Sites were booked and mapped.