UN Emergency Relief Coordinator to travel to the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel

(New York, 13 February 2008): John Holmes, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, is scheduled to arrive in Jerusalem on Thursday, 14 February to begin his first official UN visit to the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel.

During the five-day trip, Mr. Holmes will make field visits to Gaza, the West Bank and Sderot to assess the humanitarian situation in these areas. He will also meet with senior officials, representatives of the United Nations and other aid agencies, as well as representatives of the donor and diplomatic community. He is scheduled to depart on 18 February.

Please be advised of the following media encounters to which all accredited journalists are invited.

Thursday, 14 February, 8:00pm. OCHA Office Jerusalem, Conference Room, 7 Saint George St., Sheich Jarrach, Jerusalem (near the Novotel hotel)

Friday, 15 February, 4:15pm. News Conference at the Ramattan Studios, Gaza City. (Gaza City, Al Wehdi St., Shawa & Hosary Building, Floor N# 9)

Sunday, 17 February, 10:15am. News Conference near the local Police Station, Herzl St. Sderot

Monday, 18 February, 5:15pm. News Conference in the Pasha Room, American Colony Hotel, Jerusalem


Judith Harel, OCHA-Jerusalem +972 (0)2 582 9962; + 972 (0)54 66 00 528, (mobile) harel@un.org

Khulood Badawi, OCHA-Jerusalem +972 (0)2 582 9962; + 972 (0) 54-448-4632 (mobile) badawi@un.org

Christopher Gunness, UNRWA-Jerusalem + 972 (0) 54-240-2659 (mobile) c.gunness@unrwa.org

Stephanie Bunker, OCHA-New York +1 917 367 5126; +1 917 892 1679 (mobile) bunker@un.org

Elisabeth Byrs, OCHA-Geneva +41 (0)22 917 2653; +41 (0)79 473 4570 (mobile) byrs@un.org