Media Advisory: Humanitarian Chief Mark Lowcock to visit Japan


WHO: Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator
WHAT: Visit to Japan
WHEN: 20 February 2018
WHERE: Tokyo
Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, is scheduled to visit Tokyo on 20 February on his first visit to Japan as USG/ERC.
Mr. Lowcock is scheduled to meet with government officials to discuss Japan’s key role in international humanitarian affairs including in disaster risk reduction and emergency response, and as a donor to humanitarian action worldwide. Mr. Lowcock will also meet representatives of Japanese NGOs and the private sector and participate in a public seminar on global humanitarian priorities and new policy approaches at the UN University in Tokyo.
For further details on media opportunities, please contact:
Jens Laerke, OCHA Geneva,, +41 79 472 9750