The Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF) allocates $16 million to support people in need in Lebanon [EN/AR]


Beirut, 15 June 2022 – Based on recent assessments, 2.5 million people are currently in need of humanitarian assistance in Lebanon – vulnerable Lebanese, migrants, and Palestine refugees in Lebanon (PRL) – in addition to 1.5 million Syrian refugees. During meetings with the Lebanese Government, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon, Mrs Najat Rochdi, has announced that Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF) has allocated US$16 million to scale up humanitarian response in Lebanon.

“Needs continue growing day by day and it is essential for the humanitarian community to adjust the response and assist all those most in need. The LHF is a flexible funding instrument that enables a Whole of Lebanon response”, said Mrs Rochdi.

Under this allocation, through a collaborative, inclusive and transparent approach, 27 sectoral and multi-sectoral projects for 25 national and international non-governmental organisations have been funded to address the most urgent needs and alleviate human suffering of Lebanese, migrants, Palestine refugees and Syrian refugees in the most affected areas. 65 per cent of the allocated funding is targeting Lebanese, 31 per cent for Syrian refugees, and the remaining amount for migrants and Palestine refugees.

In addition to prioritizing key sectors, such as child protection, education, food security, health, nutrition, protection, shelter and WASH, this LHF allocation also promotes innovation, integrated programming, cash-based interventions, accountability to affected populations, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, inclusion and capacity development for local and national organizations.

“As humanitarian community, we will continue to stand side by side with the most vulnerable people to protect and save lives and avoid a further deterioration of their already dire conditions. I am thankful fo donors for their continued generosity and trust in the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund,” added the Humanitarian Coordinator.

The LHF is a country-based pooled fund led by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon and managed by OCHA. Since its inception in 2014, the LHF has received over US$ 122 million from donors to support the delivery of timely and effective humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable people in Lebanon regardless their status. Strong monitoring systems are in place to ensure that assistance reaches the most vulnerable based on needs.

For more Information, please contact:

  • Ms. Rosaria Bruno, Head of Office – UNOCHA Lebanon. Email:, phone + 96171907930

  • Ms. Naiera Ellethy, Public Information Officer- UNOCHA Lebanon. Email:; phone + 201022475440