OCHA Media Factsheet on Lebanon - 18 Aug 2006

Population Returns
- 1,183 dead and 4,054 wounded (according to Lebanon's Higher Relief Council (HRC))

- 262,174 displaced, down from nearly one million one week ago (HRC)

- 107,000 returnees from Syria (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR))

- Additional 10,000 returns through smaller border points (Governor of Homs (Syria))

- 95 per cent of Lebanese sheltering in schools and other public centres have returned (HRC)

Humanitarian Activities

Four humanitarian convoys dispatched today:

- Marjayoun -- 16 World Food Programme (WFP) and four World Health Organization (WHO) trucks

- Saida/Naquora -- 17 WFP trucks

- Masnaa -- two United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) trucks

- Aarida to Beirut, forward to Tyre --10 UNHCR trucks

Two convoys planned for Saturday (subject to change) -- both will carry urgent bottled water supplies

- Tyre, Rmeish and Saida -- trucks for United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and World Vision

- Marjayoun -- UNICEF trucks

Tyre humanitarian hub: Assessment mission visited 10 major population areas on routes between Jwayya, Tibnin and Bint Jbeil.

- Roads mainly intact apart from two large bomb craters close to Burj al Shmali.

- Centre of Bint Jbeil completely destroyed; estimated 400 properties destroyed and 600 badly damaged

- Fuel urgently required for generators, cooking and water pumps

- Saida (Sidon) humanitarian hub: Now covering Saida city and surrounding area, Nabatiye and Marjayoun

- Up to 90 per cent of structures in area destroyed

- Only 300 people remaining in IDP centres in Saida, although estimated 8,000 to 10,000 with host families

- Electricity still being rationed, which is affecting water supply

- Fuel and clean drinking water urgently needed

327,300 people fed by WFP to date (1,815 metric tonnes of food); target caseload is 550,000 people

Lebanon Flash Appeal

To date, $87.2 million committed to the $165 million Flash Appeal for Lebanon -- 53 per cent of requirements. Additional $7 million in pledges.