Calm returns to Liberia's war-weary

(Monrovia: 11 September 2003) The deployment yesterday of ECOMIL forces beyond the troubled towns of Kakata and Salala, extending into Totota (115 kilometres northeast of Monrovia), has brought renewed calm, said the United Nations Special Humanitarian Coordinator in Liberia, Mr Ross Mountain.
Fighting in Kakata town broke-out on Tuesday morning between Government militia and the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD). IDPs, civilians and humanitarian aid workers came under a barrage of mortar and machine-gun fire during the attack.

United Nations agencies, together with their implementing non-governmental organisation partners (NGOs) are now re-assessing humanitarian needs and planning appropriate assistance measures.

"Joint-assessments conducted by the United Nations and NGOs since the attack indicate humanitarian efforts must now be re-doubled to meet the urgent food, shelter, water and sanitation, and health needs of these traumatised people," said the Special Humanitarian Coordinator.

In a disturbing development, 20-armed Government-militia this week marched into Phebe Hospital in Salala, held the staff at gunpoint, and ransacked the premises. Medical supplies and communications equipment were stolen. Although accurate information on the status of the patients is scarce, two have reportedly died. The whereabouts of the remaining 50 patients is unknown.

"In response to this cowardly attack, today I have spoken with the National Defence Minister of Liberia and sought his assurance that efforts will now be made to recover the goods and equipment belonging to Phebe Hospital, and including equipment stolen from the international NGOs - World Vision and Lutheran World Service (LWS), working with IDPs in the Salala camps," said Mr Mountain.

"I have also urged the Minister to ensure that those responsible for these acts of aggression, in direct contravention of the Agreement on Humanitarian Assistance, signed by all Parties to the conflict on 17 August 2003, must be identified and held accountable," added Mr Mountain.

The United Nations children's agency, UNICEF, and World Health Organisation pledged their assistance in re-stocking Phebe Hospital. MSF-France (Doctors Without Borders), World Vision, Concern and LWS continue to operate and deliver vital assistance to the people living in the Salala IDP camps.

For further information, please call Nicholas McGowan +377 47 530 433 (OCHA Liberia); Stephanie Bunker +212 963 1143 (OCHA NY), Elizabeth Byrs +41 22 917 2653 (OCHA Geneva).