Despite Liberia's peace agreement, rights violations persist in troubled 'pockets of insecurity', says UN Coordinator

AFR/708, IHA/800
MONROVIA, 25 September (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) -- The Special Humanitarian Coordinator for Liberia, Ross Mountain, today expressed his concern for civilians who, despite the signing of a peace agreement, continue to be subjected to serious human rights violations in north-central Liberia.

"A pattern of instability, characterized by sporadic weapons fire, looting and human rights violations is emerging across the north-central Liberian counties of Bong, Lofa and Nimba", said Mr. Mountain.

The situation north of Gbarnga, in Bong County, remains fragile, with reported clashes between Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) and government militia around Palala sparking a new wave of population movements in the region. From Lofa County too, the Office for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have reported several thousand new Liberian refugees who have fled into the southern Guinean town of Fassankoni, fearing renewed combat in that region.

"A similar pattern has now occurred in Nimba County where an unknown number of civilians have uprooted their lives, and are now on the move inside the county, this time as a result of reported clashes between the Government and Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL) forces", added Mr. Mountain.

Mr. Mountain said that testimony collected from recently internally displaced persons in Totota this week by the United Nations indicates that acts of physical violence against civilians are continuing.

"At a time when the United Nations and our non-governmental organization partners have begun to make significant inroads in terms of access to civilians, it is disturbing that these 'pockets' of insecurity remain", said Mr. Mountain.

As part of a concerted effort by the United Nations to meet the humanitarian needs of all Liberians, the United Nations Country Team have identified five regional 'hubs' in Sagleipie (Nimba County), Voinjama (Lofa County), Gbarnga/Phebe (Bong County), Harper (Maryland County) and Zwedru (Grand Gedeh County).

"These hubs will serve as critical outreach posts from where a coordinated response to humanitarian needs can be met in a swift and localized manner. Over time, it is our hope that our reach will extend well beyond these centres and into areas the international community has not accessed for more than three years", Mr. Mountain added.

For further information, please call Nicholas McGowan, OCHA Liberia, tel.: +377 47 530 433; Stephanie Bunker, OCHA New York, tel.: +212 963 1143; Elizabeth Byrs, OCHA Geneva, tel.: +41 22 917 2653.