Liberia: Agencies increase aid to displaced persons

(New York: 14 November 2003) - United Nations humanitarian agencies continue a wide range of activities to meet the needs of vulnerable Liberians, especially internally displaced persons (IDPs).
Earlier this week, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs led an assessment mission to three temporary IDP camps, New Lands, Soul Clinic and Barclay near Careysburg, which is roughly 20 kilometres from Monrovia. The camps, populated mostly by people from Lofa County, were found to be in need of shelter, improved water and sanitation facilities as well as increased capacity to deal with huge demand for scarce medical services.

In Montserrado County, adjacent to Monrovia, the World Food Programme continued distributions to IDPs. For example, more than 26 metric tonnes of food were provided to roughly 1,800 beneficiaries at the "Rick's", "VOA" and "Fendell" camps. Also in Montserrado County, a measles vaccination campaign continued, bringing the total number of children under 15 who have received vaccines to more than 440,000.

Farther from Monrovia in Bong County, UN agencies and their non-governmental organization (NGO) partners increased the amount of services rendered to IDP camps near Totota, roughly 75 kilometres from Monrovia. Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) will be delivering more than 200,000 litres of water to the Maimu 1, 2, and 3 camps, nearly double the previous amount delivered. Action Against Hunger (ACF) is developing a plan to increase water and sanitation capacities as the camp sites expand. In the health sector, Save the Children-UK began constructive of a reproductive health facility, and the Liberia Ministry of Health sought additional water and sanitation facilities in response to recent diarrhoea outbreaks near Salala. To cope with the destruction of the hospital at Phebe, planning for a number of activities, including increased supplies of medicines and the provision of a mobile clinic, is underway. The Lutheran World Service registered some 510 IDP families in Bong County and was providing support for the construction of temporary shelters.

Near Liberia's border with Cote d'Ivoire, UN agencies followed up on a 10 November assessment mission to Saclapea. WFP was to deliver 24 metric tones of food to 2,700 IDPs in the village of Lovee 11 kilometers from Sacalpea. WFP also plans to send an overland convoy to Saclapea in the next few days.