Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. in Libya Mr Ghandour strongly condemns the Direct Attack of Field Hospital in Swani [EN/AR]


Tripoli, 18 July 2019

Acting Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Abdel-Rahman Ghandour, expressed his strong condemnation of attacks on health care in Libya.

“The latest attack was on Tuesday 16 July, when it targeted a field hospital in Swani, West Tripoli, injured three medical personnel and damaged equipment”, he said. “The targeting of medical personnel and facilities in Libya have become increasingly frequent, in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. The attack on Tuesday was the third in 40 days to damage the same field hospital”.

Health workers in Tripoli are paying a heavy price since the onset of hostilities started early April. We call upon parties to the conflict to respect their clear obligation under International Humanitarian Law to protect medical teams and health facilities.

The humanitarian community in Libya demands immediate action to stop the targeting of humanitarian and civilian facilities and for those responsible for these violations to be held accountable.


For more information, please contact:
Niels Scott, Head of Office, OCHA Libya, email: